my Home - control
The F453AV audio/video WEB SERVER is configured with the TiF453AV
software. The program is downloaded to the device using a LAN connection
(with cross-over cable if the PC-F453AV is direct, without using HUB/SWITCH)
or via the USB cable item 3559.
Audio/video Web server item f453Av
connecting F453AV to the Personal computer
Personal Computer
with TIMH200 software
Web Server
item 3559
Web server item f452
The (F452) Web Server is programmed with a software called TiServer whose
installation and configuration are described in detail in the user manual in
the CD supplied with the device.
The following main parameters must be configured:
IP address: This is the address for the communication of packets over the
Internet needed to identify the Web Server. This address must be static
(fixed); This address must be static (fixed): if static (fixed) addresses are
not available, contact your network administrator. The “Subnet Mask”
parameter, typical of networks which use the TCP/IP protocol, must be
set together with the IP address. In this case also, contact your network
administrator for the assignment of this parameter.
login and password: This is the identification name (login) and password
for the connection. Those entered as default in the factory are “BTicino”,
which the user can modify and personalise.
e-mail address: This is the address for sending electronic mail warnings
of intrusion and auxiliary alarms. The IP address of the SMTP (Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol) Server must be set and if necessary that of the mail
Web pages: For the management and control, via pushbuttons which can
be personalised, of the devices of the Automation, Burglar-alarm, Energy
Management and CCTV systems via remote PC with Internet Explorer 5.5
browser program or similar.