After the reset RaceCon reconnects to the DDU 8. Local configuration on both
the PC and DDU 8 match (Indicated by green background and dot). The DDU 8 is
now connected to RaceCon.
Green back-
ground and
dot indicate
Feature activation
▪ Optional software feature packages are available for the DDU 8.
▪ If you have purchased an optional software feature package, it must be acti‐
vated before it becomes operational.
▪ The feature activation status is stored permanently in the device and requires
activating once only.
▪ As the activation key is device specific, a key delivered with one DDU 8 does
not work on any other DDU 8.
▪ If you have not purchased an option package, the next steps can be skipped.
Starting up | 7
Bosch Motorsport
DDU 8 Manual
23 / 160