15. Click on the Start button and choose ‘Open measurement file’.
16. Select the measurement files from the storage folder.
17. Click on ‘Open’.
18. Click in ‘New Desktop‘ to open a new measurement data window.
19. Drag the desired measurement channel from the Channel list and drop it into
the measurement data window. The measurement channel‘s graph is dis‐
For more detailed descriptions and instructions refer to the
WinDarab V7 manual.
USB device handling hints
Using the USB device
Always plug the USB device into vehicle before power up to ensure that all meas‐
urement data is stored on the USB device.
If the USB device is plugged in after recording has started, the existing recording
is saved.
Data recorded on the DDU 8 before the USB device is plugged in will not be
Removing the USB device
Always power off the system before unplugging the USB device!
If the USB device is unplugged while recording is active, parts of the measure‐
ment data may be missing.
If the USB device is unplugged and re‐inserted for < 4 s while the DDU 8 is pow‐
ered up, the DDU 8 still records data.
Recording and Telemetry | 13
Bosch Motorsport
DDU 8 Manual
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