High active signal (other manufacturer’s triggers): Trigger releases if signal is
above the threshold.
Two types of trigger signal:
▪ Main trigger (end‐of‐lap at start/finish line)
▪ Sub‐trigger (segment time, optional, not applicable with GPS lap trigger)
Bosch standard:
▪ Main trigger 20 ms, low active (Recommendation for RaceCon “Detecion
Time” setting: 15 ms, Setting must be a slightly shorter period than the signal
length of the trigger to avoid a missed trigger due to the update rate)
▪ Sub trigger 40 ms, low active (Recommendation for RaceCon “Detecion
Time” setting: 30 ms)
Software functionality
▪ Race track topology and transmitter location frequently cause false triggers.
▪ Software functionality prevents acceptance of false triggers.
▪ Under race conditions, trigger signals are sometimes missed. Software func‐
tionality introduces ‘forced trigger’.
Prevention of false triggers
▪ Minimum vehicle speed for acceptance of trigger prevents false triggers
while vehicle is stationary in the pits.
▪ Time based re‐trigger protection prevents false triggers due to signal reflec‐
tions on main straight.
▪ Lap distance based retrigger protection prevents false triggers due to track
Forced triggers
Lap distance based insertion of ‘forced trigger’.
Lap Trigger | 14
Bosch Motorsport
DDU 8 Manual
131 / 160