Setting up a lap trigger
1. Click ‘Measurement Sources’ in Toolbox.
2. Drag ‘Laptrigger’ into ‘System Overview’ and drop it on vehicle. Do not drop
it on ‘DDU 8’!
Drag + Drop
A ‘Laptrigger Wizard’ window opens.
Choose the signal channel for the
trigger signal
Choose the signal device for the
trigger signal
Choose the source for vehicle
Enter the distance of the racetrack
In this example, the Rx is connected to the dedicated lap trig-
ger pin of DDU 8. The channel ‘speed’ is calculated from 4
wheel speeds.
3. Click ‘Finish’ to complete the operation.
A pre‐configured lap trigger window opens.
14 | Lap Trigger
132 / 160
DDU 8 Manual
Bosch Motorsport