Addressable Radio Link System
Device Area contains icons of the ARR32 and the devices connected to it. The following information
is displayed for every radio link device: the polling loop address, the type of the device, the hardware
(HW) and firmware (FW) versions of the device, the serial number (S/N) and the received signal
strength indicator (RSSI) as a three-color scale.
The icons are highlighted in accordance with the current device status as follows:
In green for the Norm status;
In red for the Alarm status;
In yellow for the:
Trouble status for intrusion detectors and
Trouble, or Dusty, or Tamper Alarm status for fire detector;
In grey for Communication Loss;
In dark green for an ARR32 icon when a radio link device is being connected to it at the time;
In dark green for an S2000R-ASR2 icon in the mode of 30 s poll interval;
In dark green for an S2000R-ASR1 icon in the mode of 15 s poll interval;
In dark green for an S2000R-IK, S2000R-IK rev.02, S2000R-SHIK in the Test mode.
Left click on an icon selects the device for displaying its properties in Data and Control Area. Several
devices can be selected for sending common commands.
Right click on the icon opens the device specific drop-down menu. The options from this menu can be
applied to all the selected devices.
Figure 7-3
Data and Control Area includes the following tabs:
Contains the properties of the radio link device selected at the Device Area. For all
the devices the following properties are displayed: the type, the ID (serial number),
the polling loop address, the radio address (the internal address of the device in the
address space of the ARR32), battery conditions, and tamper switch conditions.
Also, depending on the type of the device, sensor readings and customized control
elements can be presented.