Addressable Radio Link System
The depassivation procedure activates batteries after long term storage and can take up to 5 minutes.
The process of depassivation is indicated as shown in Table 10-53. If depassivation fails the detector
indicates low battery conditions.
Connecting and Programming
Connect the S2000R-SHIK to the ARR32 and set its parameters in the configuration of the polling
loop controller as discussed in Sections 6, 7, and 8 of this Manual.
The power saving operation mode of the S2000R-SHIK provides extending the battery life. In this
mode the detector turns off while being disarmed and turns on while being armed.
How to manage power saving mode of the S2000R-SHIK is described in Section 8.
Mounting Location Considerations
Considering the mounting location for the S2000R-SHIK, please follow:
The instructions from Section 9 of this Manual.
All your applicable local codes, standards, regulations, and ordinances.
The additional requirements below:
Do not install where the detector is directly above heating appliances, near vent
openings, or exposed to direct sunlight.
Make sure the detection area doesn’t have things which can waver (curtains, plants),
electric bulbs, glass or mesh partitions, or areas obscured by large things.
When the detector is armed, ensure all windows and balcony doors are closed and no
forced ventilation, calorifer, or air conditioner is on. There should be neither animals nor
birds within the premises.
Do not install directly above an entrance gate or entrance door.
Mount the S2000R-SHIK to a flat vertical surface using two screws provided.
The maximum recommended height to install the detector is 5 meters.
Testing Link Quality
The Link Quality Test procedure is designed to estimate stability of radio link between the detector
and the ARR32 at their current locations and when obstructions exist on the path of radio signals. You
are recommended to carry out the Link Quality Test before the devices are attached at their locations.