S2000R-ASR2 Radio Link Pulse Adapter (hereinafter referred to as the
ASR2) is designed to acquire and to handle the pulses from one or two
connected consumption meters with pulse output (such as water meters,
heat meters, gas meters, electricity meters, etc.) and to transmit the
data over the radio link to the control and indicating equipment.
The ASR2 is equipped with two low pulse rate inputs and one high pulse
rate input.
The low pulse rate inputs can be used to operate with consumption
meters with dry contact outputs or NAMUR outputs. The inputs are intended to acquire pulses in one
of the four modes with frequencies 300 to 5000 pulses per hour. When a meter with NAMUR circuit is
connected to such input the ASR2 monitors its pulse output for short circuit and open circuit
conditions transmitting alarms on a state change.
The high pulse rate input 3 can be used as high frequency input to acquire up to 100 pulses per
second from a metering device, or this input can be configured to receive events from a connected
passive water leak or flood detector.
The ASR2 monitors its own tamper conditions, battery conditions, and communication conditions.
The ASR2 is designed for round-the clock operation.
Table 10-26. S2000R-ASR2 Specifications
CR2477T, 3 V
Operating on battery in quiescent mode
Up to 7 years*
Max Frequency at Input 1 and Input 2
5000 pulses/hour
The device is compatible with an S2000R-ARR32 of hardware version 8 or higher