Paging, and Collaboration and tie it to the custom Application set of SMTP (created in the
previous section).
Click on the first SMTP application (On Demand SMTP Relay). This will post the Add/Edit
Application Detail. Here, change the Application Set to SMTP from E-mail, Paging, and
Collaboration. Don’t forget to Save your changes. Repeat the previous steps for all
applications listed after the search.
Again, these changes will take final effect once they are initiated under Internet Usage Rules
and Policy Manager.
One last option available under the Applications Set Manager is deleting custom
applications. You may follow the general instructions listed above to create custom TFRS or
Applications Set.
This concludes Chapter 5: Managing Optinet. The next chapters describe advanced
configuration methods and options with Optinet followed by chapters dedicated to Directory
Users and HTTPS/SSL Filtering.