Room in qui ry not
pos si ble
du ring
an ex ter nal call.
The telephone’s flash key is
not pro per ly con fi gu red.
Check the set ting of your telephone’s flash key. »Flash key«, flash in ter val
80-120 ms.
or mo di fy the con fi gu ra ti on set tings in »In ter nal subs ri ber«.
At ten ti on: In qui ry calls are not pos si ble with pul se dia ling te le pho nes.
If the PABX is con nec ted at the USB port of the PC and re cog ni zed by the PC the USB LED on the PABX will
light up. If not, the USB ports of the pc are not ac ti vat ed / faul ty, or the dri vers for the PABX are not in stal led.
The sa me cau ses and re me dies are pos si ble as des cri bed for the pre vi ous pro blems (no in ter nal/ex ter -
nal con nec tions pos si ble).
No con nec tions
can be estab lis hed
via the PABX’s
The USB ports of the pcs
are not ac ti vat ed or are de -
fec ti ve.
In the sys tem con trol pa nel (fol der »Sys tem« - »De vi ce ma na ger«) check
whet her the USB ports of your pc ha ve been ac ti vat ed.
PABX dri vers not pro per ly
loa ded.
In the sys tem con trol pa nel (fol der »Sys tem« - »De vi ce ma na ger«) check
whet her the PABX has been in stal led cor rect ly. A ques ti on mark in front
of the en try for the PABX in di ca tes in cor rect ly in stal led / loa ded dri vers.
Plug the USB con nec tor for the PABX sys tem back in to the PC or res tart
your PC.
au to ma tic
call-backs pos
No pabx num ber has been
en te red with a
point-to-point ac cess.
Whi le con fi gu ring your pabx sys tem with the PC, ma ke this en try un der
Ex ter nal Num bers.
No call re rou ting
pos si ble. for ex -
am pleg to T-Net -
In voi cing
your Char ge Ma -
ger is set too
high or too low by
one fi xed fac tor.
Trans fer of the cur ren cy
amount is set for your
ISDN con nec ti on ins te ad of
trans fer of ta riff da ta.
Ap ply for the pro ce du re you wish to ha ve, or chan ge the ra te fac tor in the
Char ge Ma na ger and in the Pro fes sio nal Con fi gu ra tor.
Ap pen dix
Trou bles hoo ting
Summary of Contents for elmeg T484
Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT484 ...
Page 6: ...Table of contents ...
Page 78: ...Brief description of functions 72 ...
Page 85: ...79 ...