BinTec elmeg T484 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 34

Voi ce box  (Ans we ring  ma chi ne)

A Voi ce box (ans we ring ma chi ne) is re qui red when the re are se ve ral sub scri bers or teams wit hin the PABX sys tem.

You can eit her let each sub scri ber or team have their own se pa ra te ans we ring ma chi ne, or you can uti li ze the Voi ce -

box  sys tem  (cen tral  ans we ring  ma chi ne)  in te gra ted  into  the  PABX.  Up  to  8  in di vi du al  Voi ce bo xes  can  be  con fi gu red

(de pen ding on the ca pa ci ty of the Com pact Flash Card used). A Voi ce box in the PABX sys tem is as sig ned to the in ter -

nal num ber for a sub scri ber or team (team num ber) for in di vi du al use by that sub scri ber or team for this pur po se.

When Voi ce bo xes are ac ti vat ed calls for the sub scri ber or for the team are ac cep ted au to ma ti cal ly af ter a set time. The 

cal ler then he ars an an noun ce ment and can, de pen ding on the set mode, lea ve a mes sa ge.

You must use a Com pact Flash Card in the PABX sys tem in or der to uti li ze the in te gra ted Voi ce box sys tem. 

Sub scri bers that have been as sig ned a Voi ce box and con fi gu red using the Con fi gu ra tor can also edit calls by en te ring

the  ap pro pria te  code. 

You can not set up a voi ce box for SIP-pho nes!

The fol lo wing Voi ce box ope ra tions can be ea si ly and con ven ient ly per for med using the el meg CS400xt ad el meg
CS410 sys tem te le pho nes. The se sys tem te le pho nes have a spe ci al menu for use with soft keys. If you al rea dy have
one of the se sys tem te le pho nes you can load new te le pho ne soft wa re (Firm wa re) Ver si on 4.0, as des cri bed in the
Ope ra ting  Ma nu al  for  the  pho ne.

The Voi ce box can not be used for in qui ry calls. TAPI sub scri bers can only user their own Voi ce box and not ones
from  ot her  sub scri bers.

If the Voi ce box is used via the POTS mo du le the rec or ding time for each call is li mit ed in ac cor dan ce with the cor re -
spon ding en try in the Con fi gu ra tor. If the ma xi mum time pe ri od is set, the rec or ding time will be li mit ed to 30 se -
conds. With the »Busy tone de tec ti on« fea tu re con fi gu red for the POTS-mo du le, you can use the ma xi mum rec or -
ding time.

Voi ce box  sys tem  per for man ce  fea tu res


Use of the Voi ce box is PIN-pro tec ted


Up  to  8  in di vi du al  Voi ce bo xes  (de pen ding  on  ca pa ci ty  of  Com pact  Flash  Card  being  used)


Cen tral sign-off text for all Voi ce bo xes


2  mo des:  »Voi ce box«  with  rec or ding,  or  »An noun ce ment  only«  (In fo box)


Time up to ac cep ting of call can be con fi gu red


No ti fi ca ti on  at  the  pho nes  or  sys tem  pho nes  of  new  mes sa ges


Use / Re mo te con trol of a Voi ce box pro tec ted by me ans of an in di vi du al 4-pla ce PIN


Con fi gu ring  the  Voi ce bo xes  through  con fi gu ra ti on,  or  via  the  sys tem  te le pho ne

Voi ce box  (Ans we ring  ma chi ne)

Voi ce box  sys tem  per for man ce  fea tu res


Summary of Contents for elmeg T484

Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT484 ...

Page 2: ...ldomesticwasteatanappropriatewastedisposalfacilityattheendof itsusefulservicelife Youwillfindadditionalinformationonanindividualreturningoftheoldappli ances under www bintec elmeg com bintec elmeg GmbH All rights reserved Reprintingofthisdocument evenexcerpts ispermittedonlywiththeexpressconsentofthepublisherandwithpre cise source information regardless of the media used mechanical or electronic F...

Page 3: for the next call 13 Temporarily suppressing transmission of your own number 13 Trunk group reservation 13 Speed dialing from the telephone directory 13 Voice announcement 13 Announcement 14 Room monitoring 14 Malicious call identification Tracing 15 Allocating Project Numbers 15 keypad function Net fixed 16 Sending a fax from a multi function terminal 16 Direct dial in 16 Room inquiriy 16 Call...

Page 4: ... Settings for a Voicebox 32 Using the Voicebox at a phone 32 Logging of calls 33 Using a Voicebox at an assigned phone 34 Procedure for entering the Voicebox menu 34 Use from any internal telephone 37 Remote control of Voicebox from an external phone 37 Configuring the Voicebox using a system phone 38 Settings for the Day and Night modes 40 General settings 41 Listen to messages 41 Commissioning t...

Page 5: ...Description of the router functions 56 Appendix 64 Troubleshooting 64 Technical specifications 66 Brief description of functions 69 Quick Reference for Voicebox 73 Index 75 Table of contents ...

Page 6: ...Table of contents ...

Page 7: ...ssary for high speed Internet access for a single pcs or for complete LANs via xDSL or ISDN Here the firewall integrated into the PABX system together with the NAT net work address translation function provides the necessary security the functions DHCP server and DNS proxy en sure that the scope of configuration both for your PABX system and your PC is kept to a minimum Internet access for all of ...

Page 8: ...ourPABXnearsourcesofexcessiveheat e g radiatorsorinroomswithexces sivehumidity Theambienttemperaturemustnotexceed40 C Cleaning Pleaseobservethefollowingpoints YoucancleanyourPABXwithoutanydifficulties Useaslightlymoistenedcloth or an anti static cloth for this Do not use any solvents Never use a dry cloth Electrostatic charges could damage the electronics in the system Always ensure however that n...

Page 9: ... service provider CD Calldeflection forwardingofcalls PR PartialRerouting Individualcallforwardingforterminaldevicesatapoint to pointconnec tion CLIP CLIR Activation DeactivationofcallerIDtopartybeingcalled COLP COLR Activation DeactivationofcalledpartyIDtocaller AOCD Transmissionof chargecostsduringa call AOCE Transmissionof costsofcallatend ofcall AOCS Transferoftariffinformationduringthecalling...

Page 10: ...t 100Mbit snetworkconnectionestablished Green flickering 100Mbit sdatalink Orange lit 10Mbit snetworkconnectionestablished Orange flickering 10Mbit sdatalink Red flickering Networklinkcollision USB Indicatesthestatus activitiesontheUSBport Not lit The USB port of the PABX system is not ready for operation at the connected PC not logged in or not recognized or when the PC USB port is in the sus pen...

Page 11: ...ebox All LEDs lit New firmware not properly identified by the PABX Please repeat the operation All LEDs flashing New firmware being downloaded into the PABX Do not remove the plug in power supply unit for the PABX system during this phase as it can result in data being lost in the PABX Loss of power Symbols 5 ...

Page 12: ...oiceannouncementbeforeanswering Connectionsfor terminaldevices analog ISDN PC andModules Programmingdirectexchangelineaccessseparatelyforeachextension Automaticcompletionofcalltobusysubscriberoronnoanswer Userto UserSignaling 1UUS1 Blockdialing foranalogterminaldevicesonly TrunkgroupseizureforexternalISDNconnections Trunkgroupseizureprogrammableforeachinternalsubscriber Reservingatrunkgroup ISDNco...

Page 13: Pickingup callsforaspecific subscriber KeepingISDNlayer2permanentlyactiveforeachexternalISDNconnection Calendar 2calendarswith4switchingtimesperweekdayandholiday Changingcodenumbersforspecificfeatures Keypadfunctions netdirect Supportformultifunctionaldevicesattheanalogports PABX configurationoverISDNorUSB LAN port Configurationofsystemfeaturesusingatelephone ProgrammingaccesstothePABXprotected...

Page 14: ...rilysuppressing transmission of your own number VariableACringingvoltageforanalogconnections 25Hzor50Hz Stationguarding donotdisturb Callsignaling groupringing simultaneous linear rotating adding linar rotatingorsimulta neousonno response Switchingcontactsavailableonthedoorphonemoduleandtheswitchingcontactmodule Internalorexternalactivationofswitchingcontacts Protectionofdatalink Serviceaccess rem...

Page 15: ...ld morningcallannouncementsorVoiceannouncementbe foreanswering Callauthorization accesstothepublictelecommunicationsnetwork Switching callauthorizations for external calls automatically Dialingcontrol barrednumbers 10numbers Unrestrictednumbers 60numbers Callingmethodconfigurableforanalogterminaldevices DTMFwithflashorpulsedialing MusiconHold internalorvoiceapplications Intercom intercomcallrecept...

Page 16: ...scribers arepresentedinthefollowingusageproceduresasexam ples For analog telephones these functions are only described for tone dialing terminal devices equipped with a flash key The tones and signals described below are heard when using analog telephones These tones may be diffe rentforISDNtelephonesandanalogtelephoneswhichgeneratetheirowndialtones Otherinformationmayalsobe shown in the display o...

Page 17: ...p handset Dial internal extension number Conversation Terminate your call Accepting calls l b g a Telephone rings Lift up handset Conversation Terminate your call Accepting calls Pick up Picking up calls from within the group Note Pickingupacallispossibleonlywithinthepick upgrouptowhichyourterminaldevicehasbeenassignedviacon figuration A telephone near you begins ringing You would like to accept t...

Page 18: ...busy or does not answer Ack signal Replace handset When the subscriber that was called hangs up his her handset your telephone will ring When you lift up your handset the subscriber for which completion of call is active is called If the party answers you can conduct your call Programming Completion of call on busy for ISDN telephones ThisfeatureissupportedforISDNtelephonesbythePABXattheinternalIS...

Page 19: ...sownnumberissuppressedusingthefollowingprocedurewithanalogterminaldevices Please refer to the operating instructions for ISDN terminal devices on how to initiate this feature b 594 t Lift up handset Dial this code Dial call number Trunk group reservation Neither for IP phones nor trunk groups with SIP providers Activating trunk group reservation g 40 q a l b You hear the busy signal Ack signal Rep...

Page 20: ...ur phone the caller that is attempting to send a message to you will hear the busy signal b 591 q a Lift up handset Enable announcements Inhibit announcements Ack signal Replace handset Room monitoring This feature can not be used in conjunction with inquiry call call forwarding or team call functions Note Room monitoring is deactivated after each pabx configuration and must subsequently be enable...

Page 21: ...andset Note Attention Only hang up the handset after you have entered the code for tracing the caller and hear the positive ac knowledgement signal Allocating Project Numbers Assigning a project number for a call you initiate b 50 t q t Lift up handset Enter project number max 6 place Ack signal Dial call number Project number for incoming external call to ISDN terminal device You can use this fea...

Page 22: ...ct call number b 65 t q a Lift up handset MSN extension num ber without line ac cess digit Ack signal Replace handset Note Now when you lift up your handset the direct call number will be dialed after the specified time default setting 5 seconds Activate deactivate direct dial in b 65 or 65 q a Lift up handset Deactivate direct dial in Reactivating a direct dial in Ack signal Replace handset The n...

Page 23: ...ting a system parked inquiry g Youareconductinganexternalcall Youwanttomakethiscallavailableforasystem parkedinquiry R PresstheRkey Youwillheartheinternaldialtone t q Dialanyoneofthe4configuredinternalsystemparkedinquirynumbersorthefixedcode 596 You willhearthepositiveacknowledgementsignal Ifyouhearthebusytone dialthenextconfiguredinternalextensionnumber a Replacethehandset theexternalcallisputonh...

Page 24: ... PresstheRkey Youwillheartheinternaldialtone t Dialthenumberoftheinternalpartytowhomyouwishtotransferthecall Youwillheartheringingsignalinyourhandset Thepartywillbecalled IfyouhearthebusysignalpresstheRkeyagaintoretrievethecallthatisonhold a Replacethehandset Thepartywillbecalled Thepartybeingcalledliftsupthehandsetandconducts theexternalcall Ifthecalledpartydoesnotliftuphis herhandsetyouwillbecal...

Page 25: ...youwishtocall Youwillheartheringingsignalinyourhandset Thepartywillbecalled Thepartybeingcalledliftsupthehandsetofhis herphone g Youareconductingthecall Thefirstcallisputonhold R2 Dialthiscodetoreturntoyourfirstcaller thesecondpartyisputonhold Youcanthenusethiscodeto switchbackandforthbetweenthetwocallers or R0 Youcanendthecallthatisonhold Dialthiscode or R1 Youcanendthecurrentcall Dialthiscode If...

Page 26: ... ended when you hang up your handset A party included in the conference call can hang up at any time and the party which initiated the call can then continue the conference with the remaining callers Call forwarding Note The PABX recognizes automatically by the length of the number whether call forwarding is to be made to an inter nalorexternalsubscriber Thisiswhythedestinationnumberforcallforward...

Page 27: ... a Lift up handset Day Night call mode Ack signal Replace handset door terminal door intercom device Switching call modes for a doorbell button b 96 1 t q a Lift up handset Day Night call mode select door ter minal Select bell button 1 4 Ack signal Replace handset door terminal door intercom device Switching call modes for all door terminal modules b 96 q a Lift up handset Day Night call mode Ack ...

Page 28: ...ed Call will then be forwarded to the specified telephone Setting up deleting call forwarding from an external location Lift up the handset of your phone and dial the external number to which the service number of the PABX system has been assigned IfremoteactivationofcallforwardinghasbeenenabledyouwillhearthespecialdialtoneforyourPABXsystem Set your phone to DTMF dialing t q 64 t t q Enter PIN 2 A...

Page 29: ... up this link again this may result in errors during calling communication will not be established In this case it will be necessary to deactivate the provider concerned in the LCR professional on the WIN Tools CD and to update the date records in the PABX Youcanactivate de activatethe LCRprocedureusingeither the ProfessionalConfigurator or acode sequenceon the telephone Activating the LCR procedu...

Page 30: ...ersation via door intercom Code x 1 q a Door opener Ack signal Replace handset Activating the door opener b 99 1 q a Lift up handset Code Door opener Ack signal Replace handset Note Ifadoorentryphonecallissignaledatadifferenttelephoneorifyouhearthedoorbellring youcandialthedoorin tercom phone number and pick up the door entry phone call yourself provided you have the corresponding rights to do so ...

Page 31: ...tivating switching contacts b 970 t q a Lift up handset Activate deactivate Switching contact01 03 Ack signal Replacehandset Switching contact with button function b 971 t q a Lift up handset Switching contact 01 03 Ack signal Replace handset The switching contact closes for the time interval you have programmed 1 999 seconds Switching contact with a switch function remote b t q t q x Lift up hand...

Page 32: ...e number Changed code number Line access digit 0 UK9 System parked inquiry four codes 596 The operation principle of the features whose code number has been changed remains as described You can either use the changed code number internal extension number or the code number given in the operating instructions except for the line access digit Communication Call charges The PABX generates a call data...

Page 33: ...r the system is provided by the PABX This menu and the associated features are managed solely from the PABX The following features are available in the system menu Example Telephone directory for the PABX Follow me direct dial in Day Night switching call modes cost registration LCR Voicebox Youcanselectthelanguageofyourdisplay providedthedesiredlanguagehasbeenconfiguredusingthetelephone directory ...

Page 34: ...rmed using the elmeg CS400xt ad elmeg CS410 system telephones These system telephones have a special menu for use with softkeys If you already have one of these system telephones you can load new telephone software Firmware Version 4 0 as described in the Operating Manual for the phone Note The Voicebox can not be used for inquiry calls TAPI subscribers can only user their own Voicebox and not one...

Page 35: ...PCconfiguration butonlywhenconfiguredVoiceboxesare active Note If you have configured fewer Voiceboxes than the maximum number the available storage recording capacity is distributed among these Voiceboxes Around half of the total storage space is reserved for WAV files melodies that are stored on the CF Card with 16 MB 8MB with 512 MB 256 MB If the available storage capacity for the Voicebox is e...

Page 36: ...nutes 8 MB none 16 MB 1 8 32 MB 1 16 32 MB 2 8 64 MB 1 32 64 MB 2 16 64 MB 3 10 7 64 MB 4 8 128 MB 1 64 128 MB 2 32 128 MB 3 21 3 128 MB 4 16 128 MB 5 12 8 128 MB 6 10 7 128 MB 7 9 1 128 MB 8 8 256 MB 1 64 256 MB 2 64 256 MB 3 42 7 256 MB 4 32 Voicebox Answering machine Number of Voiceboxes and free recording time for each Voicebox 30 ...

Page 37: ...oxes that were configured last will be de activated automatically If you then install a 128 MB card again at a later time the de activated Voiceboxes will then be re activated Note Up to 99 messages can be stored in each Voicebox depending on the capacity of the Compact Flash Card being used Messages that are shorter than 2 seconds are not recorded For example A caller ends the call after the re q...

Page 38: ...o messages or changing set tingscanonlybecarriedoutafterenteringthisPIN TooperateaVoiceboxfromanexternaltelephone remoteloca tion the remote operation function for the Voicebox must first be enabled in the configuration Configuration Voiceboxes are configured in the PC configuration program You can make all necessary settings for Voiceboxes with this program By entering the appropriate codes at a ...

Page 39: Voicebox can not be used for recording Beforerecordingacallletyourcallingpartnerknowthatyouareactivatingtherecordingfunctionsothathe shecan consent After you enter the code for recording a call the call will be recorded until Thecodeforendingofrecordingisentered Thecallisendedbyhangingupthehandset ThereisnolongeranyrecordingtimeavailableontheVoicebox Recording calls at an ISDN phone g Youarec...

Page 40: ...of the messages are then played back from oldest to newest If no newer messages are present you will hear the negative acknowledgement signal A new message counts as having been played back even if you only listened to part of the message Procedure for entering the Voicebox menu Youonlyneedtoenterthefollowingprocedure 39 onetime afterthatyoucanutilizealltheprocedures describedinthefollowingoneafte...

Page 41: ...esareplayedbackoneaftertheother eachoneseparatedbyapositiveac knowledgementsignal Ifnooldermessagesarepresentyouwillhearthenegativeacknowledgementsignalandarereturned automaticallytothebeginningoftheinputprocedureagain asifyouhadpressedthenumberkey Then selectthefunctionwhilethemessageisbeingplayedback 1 Listentonextmessage 2 Repeatmessagejustlistenedto 3 Deletingofthelastmessagethatwaslistenedto ...

Page 42: ...figuring the Night call mode 4 Dialthiscode Thenselectthedesiredfunction 20 DeactivateVoicebox 21 ActivatetheVoicebox callstakenimmediately 22 ActivatetheVoicebox callstakenaftersettime delayed 23 Activatevoiceboxonbusy 24 Activatevoiceboxonbusyanbytime delayed 25 Activate the Voicebox as an answering machine The caller hears the recorded announcement and canthenleaveamessage 27 ActivatetheVoicebo...

Page 43: given under Quick reference guide for Voicebox Page73 Use from any internal telephone b Liftupthehandsetofyourphone Youwillheartheinternaldialtone 39 Dialthiscode t EnterthenumberfortheVoicebox numberforinternalsubscriberorteamnumber Confirmyourentriesbypressingthehashkey q Youwillhearthepositiveacknowledgementsignal t EnterthePINfortheVoicebox Confirmyourentriesbypressingthehashkey q Youwillhe...

Page 44: ... Youwillheartheacknowledgementsignalforapproximatelyonesecond 39 Dialthiscode t EnterthenumberfortheVoicebox numberforinternalsubscriberorteamnumber Confirmyourentriesbypressingthehashkey q Youwillhearthepositiveacknowledgementsignal t EnterthePINfortheVoicebox Confirmyourentriesbypressingthehashkey q Youwillhearthepositiveacknowledgementsignal t TheVoiceboxcodesaregivenunder Quickreferenceguidefo...

Page 45: ...number for the Voicebox and confirm with OK in the example shown here 21 ˆ Voicebox number ˆ 21_ Entering the Voicebox menu AfteryouhavestoredthenumberforyourVoiceboxinthesystemtelephonethesoftkey Voicebox isthenaddedto andshowninthedisplaywhenthephoneisidle WhennewmessagesarepresentintheVoiceboxtheVoiceboxsoft keybeginsflashing alongwiththecallLEDofthesystemtelephone Inaddition thenumberofnewmess...

Page 46: ...s s Select the desired menu item Depending on the menu item further selections settings or input can be made Anncs announcement Infotext Announcement text Acallerhearstheannouncementtextinthe Record mode Infotext Acallerhearstheinformationtextinthe Announcementonly mode Inthismenuyoucanlistentoordeleteanexistingannouncement informationtext orrecordanewtext Anewlyre corded announcement information ...

Page 47: ...etween two different operating modes for each call mode Day or Night forusingtheVoicebox Speak Thedisplayshows Mode Speak Inthisoperatingmodethecallerwillhear theannouncementtextandcanthenleaveamessageafterthesignal announcement only The display shows Mode Voice announcement only In this operating modethecallerwillheartheinformationtext Inthismodeitisnotpossibleto leaveamessage Activate Night Youc...

Page 48: ...corded messages can be deleted while they are being played back Begin as follows a s s Voicebox Messages s Select the desired menu item Depending on the menu item further selections settings or input can be made Messages New 02 Calls Old 07 Calls Recordings 00 Delete New Calls The new messages are then played back one after the other All messages are playedbackoneaftertheother Anewmessagecountsash...

Page 49: ... ber istheonlyaccesspossibleforconfiguring Followme and Roommonitoring froman outsidelocation Team00 Intheinitialstatethenumbers10 11and20areenteredandenabledforTeam00inthe day nightteamcallallocation Default setting TheexternalISDNconnectionissettopoint to pointaccess Thefour digitPIN1 password issetto0000 Thesix digitPIN2 password issetto000000 AssignmentofanexternalISDNconnectionismadebyenterin...

Page 50: ...ion Install yourPABXasdescribedintheinstallationinstructions ThesecanbefoundontheCDunder Installationin structions Make all necessary connections including the 230 V AC mains power supply Initsinitialstate thePABXwillsignalanexternalcallattheanalogterminaldevicesandattheISDNterminaldevice that has the number 20 TheMSNs forexamplethenumbersforthesubscribersinTeam00 mustbeenteredintheterminaldevices...

Page 51: ...the flash function for analog telephones Therefore never just briefly replace the handset or pressthebuttoninthecradlebrieflywithyourhand asthePABXwouldtakethisasaflashsignalinsteadofhanging up Commissioning the phone part 45 ...

Page 52: ... maintenance and diagnosis enter the codenumber 794 t Dialthenumberoftheservicecenter Finishinput q Youwillhearthepositiveacknowledgementsignal g Youarethenre connectedwiththeservicetechnicianandcancontinueyourcall Outgoing service call access via 1 B channel b 792 t g a Lift up handset Number for the service center Connection with service center Replace handset You will hear the internal music on...

Page 53: ...that power is not interrupted to the system You must perform the following procedure at the beginning of each subsequent configuration process b q q Lift up handset Ack signal Enter PIN 1 Ack signal Changing PIN 1 or PIN 2 You can prevent misuse of your PABX by other parties by implementing various security functions Your PABX set tingscanbeprotectedusingyour4 digitPIN1 codenumber Accessbyexternal...

Page 54: ...eting the charge counter for one internal subscriber or for all 850 t or Code internal number or for all internal extensions Setting up call accounts 830 t t q Code Int extension number amount max 6 place with a factor of 1000 Ack signal Deleting call accounts 830 t q Code Int extension number Ack signal Activating deactivating an extension s call account 890 t q Code Int extension number Activate...

Page 55: ...Resetting one internal extension or all 900 t or q Code internal number or for all internal extensions Ack signal Setting features using a telephone Configuring performance features using a telephone 49 ...

Page 56: ... tele phone and switch the power on Language setting Select Language English Use the arrow keys to select the language Press O to confirm Select Language Deutsch Selecting a calling tone Use the arrow keys to select the country Press O to confirm Dial tone Australia Dial tone Deutschland Select a time zone Select a time zone using the arrow keys Press O to confirm Dial time zone 10 USA Honululu Di...

Page 57: ... 10 22 AM Idle Telbook Lists You will be asked to input the log on PIN if htis security feature has been set up for your PABX After you have logged on successfully you will see the new number 22 in the display Initial startup Commissioning an IP phone for a DSP module 51 ...

Page 58: ...ger program for logging connection data for reading out or clearing call data records stored in the PABX and user specific counters The call data records that are read out can be evaluated using various sorting and filtering functions or exported for processing in other programs For example Sorting functions allow you to compile data records according to internal users project numbers or numbersth...

Page 59: ...equired for the PCs Please note that software used for the TAPI application may require certain license agreements with the software manufacturer Up to 10 users the pro gram TAPI in LAN does not require a license to run CAPI in LAN The package includes a program called CAPI for LANs for use in your network This software can be installed on anyPCinthenetwork ThisgivesyouthepossibilityofrunningyourC...

Page 60: ...nterfacing of the pabx to programs that provide data communication services Important for Installation of the CAPI driver Note The CAPI driver is not required for accessing the Internet Before installing the new drivers be sure to remove any existing CAPI drivers in your system such as the drivers for an installed ISDN card as Windows only supports one installed CAPI Refertotheoperatinginstruction...

Page 61: ...rd as you like StartupyourPC InserttheCDROMsuppliedwiththesystemintheCDROMdriveofyourpcs Waitamomentuntiltheprogramstartsautomatically Iftheautostartoptionisnotactivatedin yourPCyoucanstartthefile setup exe directlyfromthemaindirectoryoftheCDusingWind owsExplorer doubleclickonthefile orusingtheoption Run intheWindowsstartmenu When the file is started the welcome screen of the CD is displayed Confi...

Page 62: ...onispossiblestarting withtheWindows98 WindowsNT4operatingsystems Professional Configurator Using this program you can configure the features for your PABX as you require You can then complete these set tings step by step and import them into the PABX You should also store your configuration on your PC PABX and PC Configuration with a PC 56 ...

Page 63: ...adapter approx 65000colors aresolutionofatleast800x600pi xels ThePChastohaveaCDROMdrive Therequiredfreediskspaceforinstallationis40MB ThePCshouldhaveatleastonefreeUSBport AnetworkcardmustbeinstalledtoperformconfigurationviaEthernet ToconfigureyoursystemviatheinternalISDNconnection youmusthaveanoperationalISDN PCcardinstalledinyourPC InternetExplorerVersion6 00orhighermustbeinstalledtousethe WEB LC...

Page 64: ...the type of device PC MAC PDA Webpad thatyouareusingyoucanutilizethePABXsystemInternetaccessfunctionwhenthedevicesarecon nectedviaEthernetorFastEthernet ForthispurposethePABXsystemisprovidedwiththeinterfaceLAN Theport designated LAN is set automatically to the maximum data transfer rate from 100 Mbits semi duplex up to 100 Mbit s full duplex for the opposite terminal PC Use a standard Cat 5 networ...

Page 65: ...nged parameters may result in a complete loss of all network functions You can configure the following parameters Default TTL IfyoucannotreachcertainsitesintheInternet a ping isansweredwiththemessage destinationunreachable it maybemeaningfultoincreasethe TTL parameter defaultis64 andspecifythatallPCsconfiguredviaDHCPtobe re assigned configuration from the DHCP server or simply restart your pcs MTU...

Page 66: ...Protocol The DHCP server integrated into the PABX is capable of supplying corre sponding configurations to up to 100 PCs clients IP addresses are dynamically allocated to the clients The DHCP server task of the PABX system is activated in the initial status of the PABX You can configure the integrated DHCP server under Network address allocation YoucanconfigurethefirstIPaddressassignedbytheDHCPser...

Page 67: ...hatisused VJH UsingxDSL forexampleADSL T DSL inconjunctionwithaDSLmodemthatiscompatible withyourISPviaPPPoE Theseconnectionsrequireyourusername andpassword asaccessdata ViaxDSL e g B SDSL inconjunctionwithaDSLmodemthatiscompatiblewithyourISPwitha set publicIPaddress TheseconnectionsrequirethepublicIPaddressthatyouhavebeenassig ned theIPaddressofthenextgateway nexthop andtheIPaddressforthenameserve...

Page 68: ...harge with your ISP you can deactivate the parameter Terminate on inactivity In this case the PABX system will not automatically terminate the Internet connection but will re establish the connection if required forexampleafterbeingdisconnectedbytheISP IfyouhaveconfiguredseveralISPs makesurethatyou make this setting for the correct ISP entry in the ISP list Using a fallback Let sassumeyouhaveaDSLc...

Page 69: ...wsPCstotheInternet AsthenamesoftheWindowsPCswithintheLANarenotknownintheInternet itis notmeaningfultoestablishanInternetconnectionforforwardingthenamequery thiscouldresultinconsiderable costs asthesenamequeriesoccurfrequently meaningthattheInternetconnectionwouldpracticallyneverbeter minated The filters are described by rules whose configuration requires expert knowledge about the TCP IP protocol ...

Page 70: ...ata is not lost in the event of a loss of power The PABX system also generates a call date record for connections made by the router The call data records contain detailedinformationaboutthecall Forex Dateandtime durationofthecall numberofthecalledparty numberof the calling party type of connection communication costs and possible project numbers Note Please note that only the network service prov...

Page 71: ...d Same causes and remedies possible as for No incoming internal calls PABX not connected cor rectly to the network termi nation unit of your network service provider Check the connection between the PABX and network termination unit MSN is not entered or as signed correctly in the PABX Check the PC configuration for the PABX Note Check to ensure that ISDN connection is functioning correctly and th...

Page 72: ...nel folder System Device manager check whether the USB ports of your pc have been activated PABX drivers not properly loaded In the system control panel folder System Device manager check whether the PABX has been installed correctly A question mark in front of the entry for the PABX indicates incorrectly installed loaded drivers Plug the USB connector for the PABX system back into the PC or resta...

Page 73: ...protocol point to multipoint connection ISDNinterfaces Power appr 2 5 W Channelstructure B B D ISDNcablelengthswith0 6mm Wirediameter Short passive bus max length of 120 meters Analog ports Supply PABX symmetrical 25 mA at 600 ohms Max lengthoftelephoneconnectioncables whenusing installation gradecable 0 4 mm wire diameter 1 km 0 6 mm wire diameter 2 km Dialingmethod Multi frequency calling method...

Page 74: ...Terminal Self powered terminal Speedrating Full Speed Ethernet connections LAN 10 100MBit s via RJ45 jack WAN xDSL 10MBit s via RJ45 jack Technical specifications Troubleshooting 68 ...

Page 75: ...19 5 PIN t Telephone interlock cancel Temporarily suppressing transmission of your own number CLIR b 594tg Temporarily suppressing transmission of your own number CLIR Dialing phone numbers from the phone directory b tg DialingaphonenumberviathespeeddialingkeyofthePABX sphonedirectory Forwarding a call connecting gRtga Forwarding an internal call with prior notice gRta Forwarding an internal call ...

Page 76: ... call forwarding b 62t qa Activating call forwarding delayed b 63t qa Activating call forwarding on busy b 61qa Canceling immediate call forwarding b 62qa Canceling delayed call forwarding b 63qa Canceling call forwarding on busy Follow me b 64t qa Configuring internal Follow me b 64t qa Canceling internal Follow me Room monitoring b 593q Enabling room monitoring btg Room monitoring from internal ...

Page 77: ...onal device Telefax group 3 Keypad functions b0 or t Initiating keypad functions For a description of the features please refer to then network operator s docu mentation System parked inquiriy gR 596qa Initiating a system parked inquiry b 596g Accepting a system parked inquiry Brief description of functions 71 ...

Page 78: ...Brief description of functions 72 ...

Page 79: ...recorded calls 3 New messages and messages that have already been listened to Youhearthepositive acknowledgementsignal Presstheas teriskkey allmessagesthathavebeenlistenedtopreviouslywill be deleted q Activating De activating the Voicebox 4 Activating the Voicebox in the current call mode 0 Da activating the Voicebox 00 Activating the Voicebox in the Day mode 01 Activating the Voicebox in the Nigh...

Page 80: ...ment text only no message 27 Listening to or recording announcements 5 Listening to recorded announcement text 1 Recording an announcement To end recording dial 0 Dial 50 to accept the announcement text 2q0 50 Listening to recorded announcement text 4 Recording an information text Dial 0 to end recording Dial 50 to accept the announcement text 5q0 50 Accepting the announcement text 5 Accept 0 Secu...

Page 81: 20 Call switching in the network ECT 18 Call waiting 17 CAPI driver Installation Important note 53 CAPI in LAN 52 CD ROM contents 51 Installation sequence 54 CE marks B Charge counter 26 Charge limit 26 Charge limitation 26 Charge Manager 51 Cleaning 2 CLIP 3 code numbers modified 26 Commissioning an IP phone 49 50 Commissioning of the PABX 44 Communication cost display 26 Communication costs ...

Page 82: ... 53 DSP module 49 50 E ECT explicit call switching 18 Enable inhibit call waiting for a further call 17 Ethernet 57 External Follow me set up delete 22 F Fallback 61 Fast Ethernet 57 Features 6 9 Features in the ISDN network 3 Firewalls 62 Flash 10 Flash key 1 Follow me 21 G Gateway 59 60 H Handling 1 I Inhibiting calls 20 Initial startup 44 Installation of programs from CD 54 of the CAPI driver 5...

Page 83: ... PIN 2 security for settings made from external telephones 47 Pocket money account 26 Point to multipoint connection 66 Point to point connection 66 Professional Configurator 51 Pulse dialing 1 Pulse dialing 66 Pulse dialing method 66 Q Quick reference Voicebox 73 74 R RAS 63 Reception desk phone 23 Recording time per Voicebox 30 Remote access 51 Reserve trunk group 13 Reserving an external ISDN p...

Page 84: ...smission of your own number 13 Terminating an Internet connection from the phone 25 Three party conference 19 Tracing Malicious call identification 15 Transfer a call 18 Transferring a call 18 Troubleshooting 64 67 Trunk group seizure 11 TTL 58 U Unrestricted data 6 USB driver 52 Using system telephones 27 Using the Voicebox at a phone 32 V Voice announcement 13 Voice announcement with background ...

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