Par king (TP - Ter mi nal Por ta bi li ty) at the in ter nal ISDN port
PC-con nec tions (USB, LAN) for con fi gu ra ti on
PIN (pass word) re qui red for ac ces sing the PABX
Pro ject num bers / client num bers
Room mo ni to ring from in ter nal and ex ter nal ter mi nals
Rou ting di scri mi na ti on
Rou ter in hi bi ti on
In qui ry call
Sys tem-park ed in qui ry call
Num ber iden ti fi ca ti on (NI) pos si ble for in ter nal sub scri bers
As sig ning te le pho ne num bers for ex ter nal calls se pa ra te ly for each in ter nal sub scri ber
De fi ning your own num ber for the next call
Dis ab le cal ling line iden ti fi ca ti on (set ting in the ex chan ge)
Dis ab le cal ling line iden ti fi ca ti on (sub scri ber-spe ci fic set ting in the PABX)
Tem po ra ri ly sup pres sing trans mis si on of your own num ber
Va ria ble AC rin ging vol ta ge for ana log con nec tions (25 Hz or 50 Hz)
Sta ti on gu ar ding (do not dis turb)
Call sig na ling (group rin ging: si mul ta ne ous, li ne ar, ro ta ting, ad ding, li nar / ro ta ting or si mul ta -
ne ous on no re spon se).
Swit ching con tacts avai la ble on the doorp ho ne mo du le and the swit ching con tact mo du le
In ter nal or ex ter nal ac ti vat ion of swit ching con tacts
Pro tec ti on of data link
Ser vi ce ac cess (re mo te con fi gu ra ti on, re mo te main ten an ce, soft wa re downlo ads)
SIP-te le pho ny over DSP-mo du le
SMS (short mes sa ges), en ab le SMS re cep ti on se pa ra te ly for each in ter nal sub scri ber
Au to ma tic set ting of win ter and sum mer time
Sub-ad dres sing
Sys tem menu for the PABX
Sys tem te le pho nes
Con fi gu ring sys tem te le pho nes through the PABX
Call mo des for teams
Te le pho ne di rec to ry / speed dia ling from the te le pho ne di rec to ry
Te le pho ne in ter lock
Fea tu res
Summary of Contents for elmeg T484
Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT484 ...
Page 6: ...Table of contents ...
Page 78: ...Brief description of functions 72 ...
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