
Con nect your PC to the PABX sys tem using the USB ca ble supp lied with the PABX sys tem. When both de vi ces (PABX
and PC) are swit ched on, the PC will re cog ni ze the lin ked PABX sys tem and in stal la ti on of a de vi ce dri ver is then
start ed. Then, just fol low the in struc tions shown on the screen.
When you have suc cess ful ly com ple ted the con nec ti on and con fi gu ra ti on the LED mar ked »USB« on the PABX sys -
tem lights up; when data is being ex chan ged via the USB port this LED will fli cker in the rhythm of data ex chan ge.
The USB dri ver supp lied with the sys tem (RNDIS) is lo ca ted in the de vi ce ma na ger of the Wind ows con trol pa nel as a
vir tu al net work adap ter. Com mu ni ca ti on bet ween the PABX sys tem and the PC con nec ted via USB is ef fec ted via the
TCP-IP pro to col.
Plea se keep the WIN-Tools CD for the PABX sys tem handy when in stal ling the de vi ce dri ver.
Con nec ti on of a PC through Ether net or Fast Ether net
Re gard less of the ope ra ting sys tem (Li nux, MAC OS, MS-Wind ows, Palm-OST,... ) Or the type of de vi ce (PC, MAC,
PDA, Web pad) that you are using you can uti li ze the PABX sys tem In ter net ac cess functi on when the de vi ces are con -
nec ted via Ether net or Fast Ether net. For this pur po se the PABX sys tem is pro vi ded with the in ter fa ce LAN. The port
de sig na ted LAN is set au to ma ti cal ly to the ma xi mum data trans fer rate (from 100 Mbits/ semi-du plex up to 100
Mbit/s full du plex) for the op po si te ter mi nal (PC).
Use a stan dard Cat. 5 net work ca ble for this con nec ti on. If con nec ti on has been im ple men ted suc cess ful ly, the LED
mar ked »LAN« on the PABX lights up; when data is being ex chan ged via the cor re spon ding port, this LED fli ckers in
the rhythm of data trans fer.
For furt her in for ma ti on about the LED in di ca tor, re fer to the sec ti on »Dis play / LEDs« on page 3.
Con nec ting se ve ral PCs via Ether net
You can con nect a PC di rect ly to the LAN ports and anot her one to the USB port. If you wish to con nect more than
two PCs you will need a hub or switch.
Spa ti al con straints may make it more con ve nient to use a lon ger net work ca ble e.g. to con nect a hub or switch to the
LAN-port and con nect the pcs to the hub or switch.
Des crip ti on of the rou ter functions
Summary of Contents for elmeg T484
Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT484 ...
Page 6: ...Table of contents ...
Page 78: ...Brief description of functions 72 ...
Page 85: ...79 ...