
Only ter mi nals with SELV and/or which com ply with ETS 300047 may be con nec ted to the PABX
sys tem. This re gu la ti on is ful fil led when ap pro ved ter mi nal de vi ces are used as in ten ded.
Find an ap pro pria te in stal la ti on lo ca ti on. The dis tan ce from the net work ter mi na ti on (ISDN con -
nec ti on) of your ser vi ce pro vi der and the 230 V AC out let should not ex ceed 1. 5 me ters.
Wa ter or hea ting pi pes near the in stal la ti on lo ca ti on can be used to in stall functio nal groun ding.
En su re that the se li nes are con nec ted to the groun ding cir cuit con nec tor of your hou se ser vi ce
con nec ti on.
The PABX is po we red by a 230 V AC uti li ty out let. Plea se en su re that the elec tri cal out let (groun -
ding out let) for the PABX (and for ad di tio nal de vi ces whe re re qui red) is in stal led such that it is
free ly ac ces si ble at all ti mes and that it is in stal led by a qua li fied elec tri ci an to pre vent any risks of
per so nal or ma te ri al in ju ry/da ma ge! Whe re at all pos si ble, pro vi de a se pa ra te po wer cir cuit for
the 230 V AC con nec ti on of your PABX sys tem. This pro tects your PABX from short-cir cuits that
may oc cur in ot her in-hou se equip ment.
We re com mend in stal ling an over lo ad pro tec ti on to pro tect your PABX against sur ge that can so -
me ti mes oc cur du ring thun ders torms. For furt her in for ma ti on plea se con tact your lo cal elec tri ci -
To pre vent mu tu al in ter fer en ce, do not in stall your PABX sys tem in the im me di ate vi ci ni ty of
elec tro nic de vi ces such as ste reo equip ment, elec tro nic office equip ment or mi cro wa ve units.
Avoid in stal ling your PABX near sour ces of ex ces si ve heat, e.g. ra di ators or in rooms with ex ces -
si ve hu mi di ty.
The am bient tem pe ra tu re must not ex ceed 40° C.
Clea ning
Plea se ob ser ve the fol lo wing points: You can cle an your PABX wit hout any dif fi cul ties. Use a slight ly mois te ned cloth
or an anti-sta tic cloth for this. Do not use any sol vents! Ne ver use a dry cloth; Elec tro sta tic char ges could da ma ge the
elec tro nics in the sys tem. Al ways en su re, ho we ver, that no moi stu re pe ne tra tes into your PABX, as this could re sult
in da ma ge to the PABX.
Loss of po wer
On loss of po wer (230 V AC po wer supp ly) the PABX is not ope ra tio nal, mea ning that you can make neit her in ter nal
nor ex ter nal calls. An ISDN ter mi nal de vi ce with emer gen cy po wer ca pa bi li ties can con ti nue to be ope ra ted ho we ver.
On re turn of po wer, functions which have been con fi gu red by the user, e. g. in ter nal and ex ter nal con nec tions, are not
ac ti ve. The fea tu res con fi gu red using se tup pro gram me ming are unaf fec ted by a loss of po wer.
Sym bols
Plea se note: Dif fe rent ter mi nal de vi ces will not ne ces sa ri ly have the same dial to nes, rin ging sig nals or pro ce du res for
For furt her in for ma ti on on clock fre quen cy and length, plea se re fer to the as sem bly in struc tions.
Symbols used
Lift up the hand set of your te le pho ne.
This sym bol in di ca tes the call sta tus. You have lif ted the hand set of your te le pho ne.
Re pla ce the hand set of your pho ne in the car ria ge, or the te le pho ne is idle.
In di ca tes sig na ling at a ter mi nal de vi ce, for ex am ple your pho ne rings.
You can dial the de si red num ber.
One of the se sym bols in di ca tes that you should dial the di git shown, or a cer tain cha rac ter.
Sym bols
Clea ning
Summary of Contents for elmeg T484
Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT484 ...
Page 6: ...Table of contents ...
Page 78: ...Brief description of functions 72 ...
Page 85: ...79 ...