Des crip ti on
The PABX is an ISDN te le com mu ni ca tions sys tem (PABX) for in ter fa cing with the Euro ISDN (DSSI) pro to col). The
PABX sys tem is equip ped with an ex ter nal ISDN port that is con fi gu red for con nec ting to the ISDN ac cess point of the
net work ser vi ce pro vi der. You can set the ISDN port eit her as an in ter nal or ex ter nal ISDN port. You can pro gram the
type of con nec ti on for the ex ter nal ISDN con nec ti on eit her as a mul ti point con nec ti on or as a point-to-point con nec -
ti on (de fault set ting). De pen ding on the type of PABX, up to eight (8) ana log ter mi nals can be con nec ted (base mo -
del). You can use door in ter com units as mo du les in the PABX sys tem, or as ad di tio nal de vi ces at the in ter nal ana log
port. Mo du le slots for ISDN and a/b ports, con tacts mo du les, 4 DSP mo du les and up to 4 ana log ac cess li nes (POTS)
are also pro vi ded. User-spe ci fic ans we ring ma chi nes (voi ce bo xes) can be used af ter in stal ling the op tio nal Com -
pact-Flash Card. In ter nal num bers (the des ti na ti on for the ex ten si on num ber with point-to-point con nec ti on) bet -
ween 0... 99 can be free ly as sig ned. The fea tu res pro vi ded for ana log ter mi nals can only be used with ter mi nals which
use tone dia ling and which are equip ped with a flash but ton. Flash du ra ti on de tec ti on can be set by PC con fi gu ra ti on.
Ana log ter mi nal de vi ces that use pul se dia ling can not be used for functions or codes. Plea se note that the but tons on
some ISDN ter mi nals avai la ble on the mar ket may li mit the use of the fea tu res pro vi ded by the PABX sys tem.
All ter mi nal de vi ces con nec ted to the sys tem must be »TC Ter mi nals Gui de li ne« or »R&TTE Gui de li ne« ap pro ved.
The PABX sys tem also pro vi des all of the functions ne ces sa ry for high-speed In ter net ac cess for a sing le pcs, or for
com ple te LANs via xDSL or ISDN. Here the fi re wall in te gra ted into the PABX sys tem, to get her with the NAT (net -
work ad dress trans la ti on) functi on, pro vi des the ne ces sa ry se cu ri ty; the functions DHCP ser ver and DNS proxy en -
su re that the sco pe of con fi gu ra ti on, both for your PABX sys tem and your PC, is kept to a mi ni mum.
In ter net ac cess for all of the PCs con nec ted to the PABX sys tem is pro vi ded via one sing le con nec ti on (SUA - sing le
user ac count); only one set of ac cess data is re qui red from your In ter net ser vi ce pro vi ders (ISP).
The CD supplied with this system contains other important documentation:
As sem bly in struc tions
Sys tem te le pho nes
Des crip ti on of functions
Ope ra ting in struc tions for Voi ce box
For a des crip ti on of the fea tu res plea se re fer to the on li ne help for the »Pro fes sio nal Con fi gu ra tor« or the user in for -
ma ti on on the CD.
The first time you start the Con fi gu ra tor you will be as ked to en ter your user ID and pass word. Use »Ser vi ce«
as your user ID and also »Ser vi ce« as the pass word. Plea se note that the se words are case-sen si ti ve! Once
you’ve been log ged on to the Con fi gu ra tor you can chan ge your user ID and pass word as you like.
Sa fe ty no tes
Im por tant no tes for using the PABX sys tem
Un aut ho ri zed ope ning of the PABX and im pro per re pairs may re sult in risk of in ju ry for the user.
Un plug the 230 V AC con nec tor plug be fo re re mo ving the en clo su re co ver and wor king on the ca -
ble ter mi nal bay. Re pla ce the co ver be fo re re con nec ting the 230 V AC con nec tor.
Do not ex po se the in si de of the PABX to any li quids; this would pose a risk of elec tri cal shock. If
you ex po se the in si de of the PABX to li quids the PABX can be de stroy ed.
You should not con nect or dis con nect any li nes du ring thun ders torms.
Im por tant no tes for using the PABX sys tem
Des crip ti on
Summary of Contents for elmeg T484
Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT484 ...
Page 6: ...Table of contents ...
Page 78: ...Brief description of functions 72 ...
Page 85: ...79 ...