Room monitoring from external telephones
You are lo ca ted at an ex ter nal te le pho ne.
Lift up the hand set of the pho ne from which you wish to con duct room mo ni to ring and dial the ex ter nal num ber to
which the ser vi ce num ber for the PABX is as sig ned.
If re mo te ac cess has been en ab led and is pos si ble at this time you will hear the spe ci al dial tone of your PABX.
Set your pho ne to fre quen cy (DTMF) dia ling, or use a DTMF ma nu al trans mit ter.
En ter PIN 2
sig nal
Di al the num ber of the te le -
pho ne to be used for room
mo ni to ring
sig nal
Room mo ni to ring is ac ti -
vat ed
To end room mo ni to ring, hang up the hand set of the ex ter nal te le pho ne.
Ma li ci ous call iden ti fi ca ti on (Tra cing)
On going call, or cal ler
hangs up
sig nal
Re pla ce
hand set
At ten ti on: Only hang up the hand set af ter you have en te red the code for tra cing the cal ler and hear the po si ti ve ac -
knowled ge ment sig nal.
Al lo ca ting Pro ject Num bers
Assigning a project number for a call you initiate
Lift up hand set
En ter pro ject num ber ( max. 6-pla ce)
Ack. sig nal
Di al call num ber
Project number for incoming external call to ISDN terminal device
You can use this fea tu re at an ISDN ter mi nal if your ISDN ter mi nal de vi ce supp orts the functi on »Net work Di rect«
(key pad).
You are con duc ting a call and wish to re gis ter it for a pro ject.
Con ver sa ti on
En te ring a pro ject num ber
(max. 6 - pla ce)
sig nal
Con ti nue call
Project number for an external call
You can use this fea tu re at an ana log or an ISDN ter mi nal de vi ce if your ISDN ter mi nal does not sup port the functi on
»Net di rect« (Key pad) du ring an on going call.
You are con duc ting a call and wish to re gis ter it for a pro ject.
Ma li ci ous call iden ti fi ca ti on (Tra cing)
Ope ra ti on
Summary of Contents for elmeg T484
Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT484 ...
Page 6: ...Table of contents ...
Page 78: ...Brief description of functions 72 ...
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