»Mes sa ge 10«
Here, you de fi ne which in ter nal sub scri ber (ext. 10 in this ex am ple) is to be in -
form ed when new mes sa ges are pre sent on the Voi ce box. No ti fi ca ti on of a new
mes sa ge is made by play ing a spe ci al dial tone at the cor re spon ding sub scri ber.
No ti fi ca ti on on sys tem te le pho nes con fi gu red with ac cess to a Voi ce box is in
the form of a flas hing call LED and flas hing soft key »Voi ce box«.
»Ac cess-PIN«
Here, you can chan ge the PIN for your Voi ce box. The Voi ce box is pro tec ted
against un aut ho ri zed ac cess by a PIN. The PIN must be in put from a te le pho ne
du ring ope ra ti on / re mo te con trol of the Voi ce box.
»Re mo te pol ling«
You can de fi ne whet her your Voi ce box can be used from a re mo te lo ca ti on.
Using re mo te ac cess you can lis ten to mes sa ges from a re mo te lo ca ti on, or
make con fi gu ra ti on set tings for the Voi ce box (for ex am ple, ac ti va ting/de-ac -
ti va ting the Voi ce box).
Lis ten to mes sa ges
The ol dest mes sa ges or re cor ded calls are al ways play ed back first. The date and time and num ber of the cal ler (if
avai la ble) are dis play ed for each mes sa ge. Re cor ded mes sa ges can be de le ted whi le they are being play ed back.
Be gin as fol lows:
Voi ce box
Mes sa ges
Se lect the de si red me nu item. De pen ding on the
me nu item, furt her se lec tions / set tings or in put
can be ma de.
Messages {}
New: 02 Calls.......
.......Old: 07 Calls
Recordings: 00......
»New: Calls«
The new mes sa ges are then play ed back one af ter the ot her. All mes sa ges are
play ed back one af ter the ot her. A new mes sa ge counts as ha ving been play ed
back even if you only lis te ned to part of the mes sa ge. Mes sa ges that have been
lis te ned to are pla ced au to ma ti cal ly in the list of ol der mes sa ges.
»Old: Calls«
Mes sa ges that have been lis te ned to are play ed back one af ter the ot her. All
mes sa ges are play ed back one af ter the ot her.
»Rec or dings:«
Re cor ded calls are play ed back one af ter the ot her. All sto red, re cor ded calls are
play ed back one af ter the ot her.
»De le te«
You can use this to de le te all the mes sa ges in the Voi ce box that have been lis te -
ned to. De le ting of mes sa ges may re qui re se ve ral se conds, de pen ding on the
sto ra ge time used by the mes sa ges (quan ti ty and length of the sto red mes sa ges.
It is mea ning ful to re gu lar ly de le te mes sa ges that have al rea dy been lis te ned to in or der to make room for new mes -
sa ges.
Con fi gu ring the Voi ce box using a sys tem pho ne
Lis ten to mes sa ges
Summary of Contents for elmeg T484
Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT484 ...
Page 6: ...Table of contents ...
Page 78: ...Brief description of functions 72 ...
Page 85: ...79 ...