Ope ra ti on
For a des crip ti on of the fea tu res plea se re fer to the Des crip ti on of functions on the CD.
Not all of the fea tu res des cri bed here may be im ple men ted in the stan dard ISDN con nec ti on supp lied by your net -
work ser vi ce pro vi der. Con tact your ser vi ce pro vi der to de ter mi ne which fea tu res come stan dard with your ISDN ac -
cess and which ones you must ap ply for se pa ra te ly.
If your pho ne is set for »Au to ma tic line ac cess« you must first press the
key when you lift the hand set b be fo re be -
gin ning any in ter nal call pro ce du res. The sym bol
is high lighted in co lor, as shown in the ex am ple be low, for the
cor re spon ding per for man ce fea tu re.
Lift up hand set
Ma king in ter nal calls
Con duct your call
Ma king pho ne calls
Some ter mi nal de vi ces use their own spe ci al pro ce du res for the functions des cri bed in the fol lo wing. Re fer to the ope -
ra ting in struc tions for the ter mi nal de vi ce being used for de tai led in for ma ti on.
Only te le pho ne con nec tions, i. e. calls bet ween sub scri bers, are pre sen ted in the fol lo wing usa ge pro ce du res as ex am -
ples. For ana log te le pho nes, the se functions are only des cri bed for tone dia ling ter mi nal de vi ces equip ped with a
flash key. The to nes and sig nals des cri bed be low are he ard when using ana log te le pho nes. The se to nes may be dif fe -
rent for ISDN te le pho nes and ana log te le pho nes which ge ne ra te their own dial to nes. Ot her in for ma ti on may also be
shown in the dis play of the se te le pho nes.
Plea se note: ISDN ter mi nal de vi ces con nec ted to the ISDN con nec ti on may not have the same sig nals, rin ging cy cles
or ope ra ting pro ce du res as the in ter nal ter mi nal de vi ces for the PABX sys tem.
Ma king out si de calls
Making external calls without direct exchange line access
Lift up hand set
Di al li ne ac cess di git
Di al ex ter nal num ber
Con duct your call
Ter mi na te your call
If you hear the busy sig nal af ter dia ling the first 0 your te le pho ne eit her does not have aut ho ri za ti on for ma king ex -
ter nal calls, or the ex ter nal ISDN con nec ti on is busy.
Making outside calls with direct exchange line access
Lift up hand set
Di al ex ter nal num ber
Con duct your call
Ter mi na te your call
Ope ra ti on
Ma king pho ne calls
Summary of Contents for elmeg T484
Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT484 ...
Page 6: ...Table of contents ...
Page 78: ...Brief description of functions 72 ...
Page 85: ...79 ...