
Using TAPI Con fi gu ra ti on you can adapt the TAPI dri ver for a pro gram that uses that dri ver. You can also check
which MSN is as sig ned to which ter mi nal de vi ce, de fi ne new line na mes and can set the dia ling pa ra me ters.
First con fi gu re the PABX. Then, you must con fi gu re the TAPI in ter fa ce. Use the pro gram »TAPI Con fi gu ra ti on« in
the WIN Tool Laun cher.
LCR Professional
Both pro vi der and rou ting tab les can be pre pa red and edi ted in di vi du al ly using this new LCR pro ce du re. This LCR
pro ce du re can be con fi gu red using the Web-ba sed PC pro gram supp lied with the sys tem.
You can ac ti va te/de-ac ti va te the LCR pro ce du re using eit her the »Pro fes sio nal Con fi gu ra tor«, or a code se quen ce on
the te le pho ne.
Ap pli ca ti on pro grams
Ado be Acro bat Rea der:
Pro gram for vie wing and prin ting PDF do cu ments.
Dri vers
USB dri ver (Uni ver sal Se ri al Bus)
Re co gni ti on and con trol for the PABX sys tem af ter being con nec ted to the USB port of your PC. The USB dri ver is in -
stal led as a vir tu al net work card that uses the TCP/IP pro to col.
TAPI in the LAN:
The pa cka ge in clu des a pro gram cal led »TAPI for LANs« for use in your net work. This soft wa re can be in stal led on
any PC in the net work. This gi ves you the pos si bi li ty of run ning your TAPI ap pli ca ti on from a cen tral lo ca ti on via an
in ter fa ce, i. e. the PABX sys tem. The re is no ISDN card re qui red for the PCs. Plea se note that soft wa re used for the
TAPI ap pli ca ti on may re qui re cer tain li cen se agree ments with the soft wa re ma nu fac tu rer. Up to 10 users, the pro -
gram »TAPI in LAN« does not re qui re a li cen se to run.
The pa cka ge in clu des a pro gram cal led »CAPI for LANs« for use in your net work. This soft wa re can be in stal led on
any PC in the net work. This gi ves you the pos si bi li ty of run ning your CAPI ap pli ca ti on from a cen tral lo ca ti on via an
in ter fa ce, i. e. the PABX sys tem. The re is no ISDN card re qui red for the PCs. Plea se note that soft wa re used for the
CAPI ap pli ca ti on may re qui re cer tain li cen se agree ments with the soft wa re ma nu fac tu rer. Up to 10 users, the pro -
gram »CAPI in LAN« does not re qui re a li cen se to run.
In stal la ti on in struc ti on for Wind ows 98
If you have Wind ows 98 in stal led on your PC you must ob ser ve the fol lo wing in stal la ti on in struc tions for the USB
dri ver. Keep the ori gi nal Mi cro soft Wind ows 98 CD handy.
Initial installation
Con nect your PC to the USB port of the PABX sys tem via the USB ca ble and switch on both de vi ces. In sert the CD
supp lied with the sys tem. The Wind ows 98 hard wa re as si stant is then start ed.
In stal ling the dri ver:
A »Com po si te USB de vi ce« is then re cog ni zed.
Click »Next«
Se lect »Se arch for the best dri ver for your de vi ce. (Re com men ded)« and then click »Next«
Se lect »CD-ROM dri ve« and then click »Next«
Se lect »Up da ted dri ver (re com men ded)«.
Se lect »el meg USB Re mo te NDIS Net work De vi ce« and click »Next«
Click »Next« once again to in stall the USB dri ver.
Ap pli ca ti on pro grams
Summary of Contents for elmeg T484
Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT484 ...
Page 6: ...Table of contents ...
Page 78: ...Brief description of functions 72 ...
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