
Set tings for a Voi ce box
An noun ce ments and ope ra ting mo des
An an noun ce ment text (gree ting mes sa ge) and in for ma ti on texts can be sto red. The se an noun ce ments are spo ken
over the pho ne. In the mode »Re cord« a cal ler will hear the an noun ce ment text and can then lea ve a mes sa ge af ter the
sig nal. The cal ler will hear the in for ma ti on text in the mode »An noun ce ment only«. In this mode it is not pos si ble to
lea ve a mes sa ge.
As with the call mo des for teams, a dis tincti on is also made bet ween a Day and Night mode for Voi ce bo xes. You can
de fi ne dif fe rent set tings (mode, time un til call is ac cep ted) for both mo des. Swit cho ver bet ween the mo des »Day«
and »Night« is made by en te ring a code on the pho ne, or is car ried out au to ma ti cal ly by a ca len dar functi on in the
PABX sys tem.
In the de fault set tings for the PABX sys tem a gree ting and sign-off text have al rea dy been sto red in the PABX me mo -
ry. The se texts can not be chan ged through con fi gu ra ti on. The sign-off an noun ce ment is al ways used for all Voi ce bo -
xes when the re is less than 10 se conds rec or ding time avai la ble for a Voi ce box. When the ma xi mum rec or ding time is
set, the busy sig nal is he ard at the end of this pe ri od, and not a sign-off mes sa ge.
Own wel co me texts or sign-off mes sa ges you re cord will over wri te the de fault rec or dings. When you de le te your
own texts the sys tem will au to ma ti cal ly re lo ad the fac to ry de fault texts.
Ope ra ti on
A Voi ce box can be ope ra ted from any in ter nal or ex ter nal te le pho ne. Ope ra ti on is sa fe gu ar ded by an in di vi du al
4-pla ce PIN (in iti al (de fault) set ting »0000«). Rec or ding of an noun ce ments, lis te ning to mes sa ges or chan ging set -
tings can only be car ried out af ter en te ring this PIN. To ope ra te a Voi ce box from an ex ter nal te le pho ne (re mo te lo ca -
ti on), the re mo te ope ra ti on functi on for the Voi ce box must first be en ab led in the con fi gu ra ti on.
Con fi gu ra ti on
Voi ce bo xes are con fi gu red in the PC con fi gu ra ti on pro gram. You can make all ne ces sa ry set tings for Voi ce bo xes
with this pro gram. By en te ring the ap pro pria te codes at a te le pho ne you can set the mode (Day / Night), re cord an -
noun ce ments/in for ma ti on texts, or lis ten to mes sa ges.
Using the Voi ce box at a pho ne
Using the Voicebox at an internal phone
You can use the Voi ce box eit her from an as sig ned, in ter nal pho ne, or from any ar bi tra ry in ter nal pho ne. Once you
have set up the con nec ti on to the Voi ce box you can lis ten to mes sa ges, con duct con fi gu ra ti on or re cord an noun ce -
ments / in for ma ti on texts. Use of all Voi ce bo xes is pro tec ted by in di vi du al PINs. Should you for get your PIN you can
re pro gram it through PC con fi gu ra ti on.
Activating / De-activating a Voicebox from an assigned telephone
You can ac ti va te or de-ac ti va te a Voi ce box from an as sig ned te le pho ne. A team Voi ce box can be ac ti vat ed by any
team mem ber using the team num ber. When a Voi ce box is ac ti vat ed the sys tem au to ma ti cal ly checks whet her an an -
noun ce ment or in for ma ti on text has been sa ved for the se lec ted mode and whet her more than 10 se conds rec or ding
time is avai la ble for that Voi ce box. An ac ti ve Voi ce box is de-ac ti vat ed au to ma ti cal ly if the re is less than 10 se conds
free rec or ding time avai la ble for that Voi ce box.
Ac ti va ting a sub scri ber Voi ce box
Lift up the hand set of your pho ne. You will hear the in ter nal dial tone.
Press the as te risk key (*) to ac ti va te the unit.
Press the hash key for de ac ti va ting.
Voi ce box (Ans we ring ma chi ne)
Set tings for a Voi ce box
Summary of Contents for elmeg T484
Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT484 ...
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