Ex ter nal line ac cess di git for cal ler list
Re mo te con trol for re mo te call for war ding, room mo ni tor, door ope ner and swit ching con tacts
Re mo te ac cess pro tec ted by PIN2 (6-pla ce) of the PABX
Ma li ci ous cal ler ID (tra cing / MCID – Ma li ci ous Call Iden ti fi ca ti on)
Fol low me
Gate way ex ter nal for ISDN, in ter nal for ana log con nec ti on
Me ter pul se for ana log con nec tions (12 kHz or 16 kHz)
Trans fer ring calls with or wit hout pri or no ti ce (swit ching)
Sto ring com mu ni ca ti on costs and call data re cords
Com mu ni ca ti on cost dis play and char ge coun ter of in ter nal ter mi nal de vi ces
Call cost ac count (cost li mit, al lo wan ce ac count)
Call pick-up (Pick up)
Pi cking up calls from an ans we ring ma chi ne
Pi cking up calls for a spe ci fic sub scri ber
Kee ping ISDN lay er 2 per ma nent ly ac ti ve for each ex ter nal ISDN con nec ti on
Ca len dar (2 ca len dars with 4 swit ching ti mes per week day and ho li day)
Chan ging code num bers for spe ci fic fea tu res
Key pad functions (net di rect)
Sup port for mul ti functio nal de vi ces at the ana log ports
PABX-con fi gu ra ti on over ISDN or USB, LAN-port
Con fi gu ra ti on of sys tem fea tu res using a te le pho ne
Pro gram ming ac cess to the PABX pro tec ted by PIN 1 (4-pla ce)
Cost con ver si on fac tor
Coun try-spe ci fic pa ra me ters can be set
Least Cost Rou ting (LCR) in clu ding sup port of ga te ways
Bro ker`s call
Sig na ling fea tu res
PABX ex ten si on mo du les
As signment of na mes in the PABX sys tem for sub scri bers, teams and con nec tions
Loss of po wer: Emer gen cy ope ra ti on pos si ble
Emer gen cy call num bers in the PABX (6 num bers)
Pro gram ming of emer gen cy te le pho nes
Data pa cket trans fer (X. 31)
Fea tu res
Summary of Contents for elmeg T484
Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT484 ...
Page 6: ...Table of contents ...
Page 78: ...Brief description of functions 72 ...
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