Note that when you click the but ton Send, the en ti re con fi gu ra ti on for the PABX sys tem will be over writ ten. It is
stron gly re com men ded to read out the con fi gu ra ti on for the PABX sys tem and sto ring it in a file pri or to chan ging the
fil ter con fi gu ra ti on.
We re com mend fol lo wing the in struc tions gi ven by the Fil ter Wi zard, un less you estab lish that one of the ap pli ca -
tions you are using can not set up a con nec ti on to the In ter net. In this case, plea se check whet her the Fil ter Wi zard has
a cor re spon ding fil ter avai la ble. El meg re gu lar ly ge ner ates an up da ted da ta ba se for the Fil ter Wi zard, which is avai la -
ble at the www.bin tec-el Web site.
Plea se note that all fil ters that are ge ner ated with the Fil ter Wi zard are ba sed on pa ckets being dis car ded, with the ex -
cep ti on of tho se for which an ap pro pria te rule exists. The more fil ters you con fi gu re for the PABX sys tem, the more
com pu ting time is re qui red for pro ces sing of the se fil ters. This could slight ly re du ce the ma xi mum achie va ble data
throughput rate for the PABX sys tem in some ca ses.
In for ma ti on on ma nu al con fi gu ra ti on of fi re wall fil ter ru les is gi ven in the on li ne Help functi on and in the do cu men -
ta ti on lo ca ted on the CD.
Costs for Internet connections
The PABX can sto re up to 500 call data re cords. This data is not lost in the event of a loss of po wer.
The PABX sys tem also ge ner ates a call date re cord for con nec tions made by the rou ter. The call data re cords con tain
de tai led in for ma ti on about the call. For ex.: Date and time, du ra ti on of the call, num ber of the cal led par ty, num ber of
the cal ling par ty, type of con nec ti on, com mu ni ca ti on costs and pos si ble pro ject num bers.
Plea se note that only the net work ser vi ce pro vi der is aut ho ri zed for bin ding con nec ti on/call cost log ging.
You should use a vi rus scanner on all LAN clients to pro tect your per so nal data. Use of this type of soft wa re is in dis -
pen sa ble for sa fe gu ar ding per so nal data.
Dial-in into the LAN (RAS)
Using the Re mo te Ac cess Ser ver (RAS) a field re pre sen ta ti ve, for ex am ple, can call into the lo cal net work from an ex -
ter nal lo ca ti on and then via the lo cal net work ac cess the In ter net. Ac cess from an ex ter nal lo ca ti on is also pos si ble via
an ISDN con nec ti on.
Ex ter nal ac cess is pro vi ded with user-name and pass word pro tec ti on. If the call is made from an ex ter nal lo ca ti on
only, the pho ne num ber can also be mo ni to red as an ad ded pro tec ti on fea tu re. Ac cess can be en ab led for up to 8
users. A Wind ows en ab le (ac cess to com pu ter, fi les or prin ters) and In ter net en ab le can also be con fi gu red for each
Note that this ac cess por tal is not pro tec ted by a fi re wall!
A PC that di als into the lo cal net work via RAS is au to ma ti cal ly as sig ned an IP ad dress by the in te gra ted DHCP ser ver.
Des crip ti on of the rou ter functions
Summary of Contents for elmeg T484
Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT484 ...
Page 6: ...Table of contents ...
Page 78: ...Brief description of functions 72 ...
Page 85: ...79 ...