The se sym bols in di ca te a se lec ti on of di gits or cha rac ters from which you can choo se the ap pro pria te
This sym bol prompts you to se lect a cer tain di git or cha rac ter from a list or tab le.
Prompts you to press the flash key (sig nal key).
In di ca tes that an ac knowled ge ment sig nal can be he ard in the hand set.
In di ca tes a con fer en ce call.
When you en ter the num ber for dia ling via an SIP pro vi der, dia ling is not per for med un til around 5 se -
conds af ter the last di git has been en te red. Dia ling is per for med im me di ate ly when you press the # key
af ter en te ring the num ber. In this case, the ter mi nal de vi ce must also be ca pa ble of dia ling into the
pho ne sys tem with the #.
Supported Features
The fol lo wing ISDN fea tu res are sup por ted by the PABX sys tem at the ex chan ge of the net work ser vi ce pro vi der;
some of the se may have to be ap plied for at your ser vi ce pro vi der.
CD: Call de flec ti on (for war ding of calls)
PR: Parti al Re rou ting. In di vi du al call for war ding for ter mi nal de vi ces at a point-to-point con nec -
ti on
CLIP / CLIR: Ac ti vat ion/De ac ti vat ion of cal ler ID to par ty being cal led.
COLP / COLR: Ac ti vat ion/De ac ti vat ion of cal led par ty ID to cal ler.
AOCD: Trans mis si on of char ge costs du ring a call.
AOCE: Trans mis si on of costs of call at end of call.
AOCS: Trans fer of ta riff in for ma ti on du ring the cal ling pha se, for ex am ple for pay pho nes.
CCBS: Com ple ti on of call to busy sub scri ber, as soon as sub scri ber is avai la ble.
CCNR: Call-back to avai la ble sub scri ber as soon as that par ty has lif ted and re pla ced the hand set.
MCID: Ma li ci ous cal ler ID (tra cing).
CFB / CFU / CFNR: Call for war ding.
UUS1: Trans mis si on of user-de fi ned text mes sa ges.
SUB: Ex ten ded ad dres sing for a ter mi nal de vi ce.
X.31: Sup port for pa cket data (V-25) on the D-chan nel, for ex am ple for elec tro nic cas hiers.
SMS in the fi xed-line net work.
Plea se note that some of the fea tu res des cri bed in the se ope ra ting ma nu al must be ap plied for at your ser vi ce pro vi -
Loss of po wer
Sym bols
Summary of Contents for elmeg T484
Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT484 ...
Page 6: ...Table of contents ...
Page 78: ...Brief description of functions 72 ...
Page 85: ...79 ...