Router> set internet access time
enter Day-of-the-week (all, (a)ll/(d)ay-range): d
enter dd1-dd2 (Unspecified): mon-sat
enter Time-of-day (all, (a)ll/(t)ime-range): t
enter hh1:mm1-hh2:mm2 (Unspecified): 07:00-18:00
If the system loses its time setting, allow Internet Access ? (Yes, Yes/No):
set log level <1-10>
This command changes the system log level, causing different events to be logged into the
system log table. It is often used for debugging purposes. The default log level is 2, which means all
events belonging to log level 2 or below will be logged into the system log.
set prompt <”prompt”>
This command defines a new command prompt. A prompt of up to 15 characters may be
entered. The default prompt is “Router>”.
Router> set prompt "Yes, Master"
Yes, Master>
set system contact <”name”>
This command sets the system contact information. The maximum number of characters
allowed is 60. This information is displayed in the “show system” command, as well as in the “System
Information” screen in the HTTP browser screen.
Router> set system contact "John Doe, pager: (408) 731-4567"
set system location <”location information”>
This command sets the system location. The maximum number of characters allowed is 60.
This information is displayed in the “show system” command, as well as in the “System Information”
screen in the HTTP browser screen.
Router> set system location "480 Mercury Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086"
set system name <”system name”>
This command sets the system name. The maximum number of characters allowed is 30.
This information is displayed in the “show system” command, as well as in the “System Information”
screen in the HTTP browser screen.
Router> set system name "Home Gateway1"