If so, the entire configuration will be automatically saved to the flash memory. However, this command can also be
used to execute the save operation immediately after some configuration changes, e.g., when the user intends to
power down the system.
set console baud <baudrate>
This command is used to set the baud rate for the auxiliary (console) port. The default baud
rate is 19200 bits per second. After the baud rate is changed, the console will no longer work properly
until the terminal baud rate is changed accordingly. Other allowed speeds include 115.2K, 57.6K, 38.4K,
28.8K, 19.2K, 14.4K, 9.6K, 4.8K, 2.4K, and 1.2K.
Router> set console baud 19200
set console timeout <1-60>
This command is used to set the console time-out value (in minutes). The default value is 10
minutes. That means if the user does not type anything on the console for 10 minutes, the console session
will automatically be terminated.
This timeout value also applies to telnet sessions.
Router> set console timeout 20
set date <mm-dd-yy>
This command sets the current date in the router.
Router> set date 4-12-01
set daylight time <on/off>
: This command sets the setting for Daylight Savings Time. This is only used for display
purposes and has no effect on the System Time. Normally this parameter would be learned from a
managing browser session.
set internet access time
This is the time during which access to the Internet (an ISP switched profile) will be enabled
and triggered. Outside of this time range, this connection profile will not be enabled. For this purpose the
connection to the Internet is defined as the default IP route. The router time is set either manually through
set time
command, or automatically via a connection to an HTTP browser. Of course, this restriction
only makes sense for switched connections. Leased line connections are not affected.
Note that the router may lose its time setting in the event of a reset or a power cycle. If this is the case, until the
system time is once again set, then Internet Access is either enabled or disabled until depending upon the response to
the last question.