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3.1.3 System of charged air cooling
Intermediate cooling of charged air is a means, increasing density of air charge,
coming to engine cylinders, thus enabling more effective burning of a bigger amount of fuel
in the cylinders and as a result ensuring increase of power with decrease of specific fuel
consumption. An air-cooled cooling system is used in the engine, with a plate-fin air cooler
(radiator) 5 (figure 3.1.5).
The charged-air cooler 5 is mounted in front of the water radiator and is linked to
the turbocharger and engine intake manifold through the system of air pipelines 3 and
pipes 2, 4, joined by clamps 1. The CAC is an air heat exchanger, consisting of a core as
finned aluminum pipes, tanks and connection tubes. Air is delivered to the CAC from the
turbocharger, cooled inside it to improve power-efficient and ecological parameters of the
engine and further comes to the engine air intake.
1 – clamps; 2 – heat-resistant silicone pipes; 3 – air pipelines; 4 – pipe; 5 – charged
air cooler;
Figure 3.1.5 – Charged air cooling system