2022.3-0000010 OM
b) If the lamp does not go out, check the electrical circuit operability in the system
sensor – pilot lamp for presence of locking on tractor body. If the circuit is short cut - elimi-
nate the failure. .
c) in case the circuit operates properly (there are no short cuts) – replace or send
the combination P2 to the repair shop. The pilot lamp of emergency cooling liquid temperature in the engine is
on, when the cooling system operates properly (the engine is not overheated, the cooling
liquid temperature is lower than 105 ° ).
) Check operability of emergency cooling liquid S 1 temperature for which it is re-
quired to disconnect the wire from the sensor. If the lamp goes out – replace the sensor.
b) If the lamp does not go out, check the electrical circuit operability in the system
sensor – pilot lamp for presence of locking on tractor body. If the circuit is short cut –
eliminate the failure.
c) If the circuit operates properly (there are no short cuts) – replace or send the
combination P2 to the repair shop. The pilot lamp of emergency air pressure in the pneumatic system is on,
when the engine is running and the pneumatic system operates properly (the pressure in
the pneumatic system is over 500KPa).
) Check sensor operability of emergency air pressure in the pneumatic system
SP4 for which it is required to disconnect the wire from the sensor. If the lamp goes out –
replace the sensor.
b) If the lamp does not go out, check electrical circuit operability in the system sen-
sor – pilot lamp for presence of locking on tractor body. If the circuit is short cut – eliminate
the failure.
c) If the circuit operates properly (there are no short cuts) – replace or send the
combination P2 to the repair shop. The data on engine rpm are missing on the arrow indicator of II when the
engine is running.
) Check alternator operability: availability of alternating voltage on the terminal “W”
for which it is required to connect the multimeter in the mode of frequency meter to the ter-
mianl “W”. If there is no frequency – replace or send the alternator to the repair shop.
b) In case there is frequency on the terminal “W”, check the electrical circuit oper-
ability from the terminal “W” to the connecting socket of II accordingly. If the circuit is bro-
ken – eliminate the breakage.
c) If the circuit operates properly (there are no breakages) – replace or send II P1 to
the repair shop. The data on engine rpm on the arrow indicator of II do not correspond to
the real values.
Check the values of programmed parameters in accordance with subsection 3.21.3
“The programming procedure of integrated indicator”. If the parameter values do not corre-
spond – enter the required ones. If they correspond – contact your dealer for troubleshoot-
ing. It is required to carry out additional research on output frequency check from the ter-
minal “W”, either alternator or II can have failures. The data on tractor speed while movement are missing on the arrow indi-
) Check availability of frequency signal from speed sensors BV1 or BV3 on the
connecting socket, and dashboard cable connection to the II for which it is required to
connect the multimeter in the mode of frequency measurement to signal wires in the
socket. In case there are signals while tractor movement, do the following: by means of a
bonding strip connect for a short period the wire from the properly operating frequency