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The list of possible clutch failures and instructions for their troubleshooting are
shown in table 7.2b.
Table 7.2b
Failure, external manifestation,
Clutch lever 44 (figure 3.2.6) fails to go back to its initial position when the
clutch pedal is released
There is no clearance between the
main cylinder piston and piston fol-
Adjust the clearance between main cylinder piston
and piston follower according to clause “Ad-
justment of clutch control”
There is no clearance between op-
erating cylinder rod 34 (figure 3.2.6)
and hydraulic booster push rod 37
Adjust the clearance according to clause
“Adjustment of clutch control”
Sticking of the main cylinder piston
(fails to go back to its initial posi-
tion) for forward motion 11 (figure
3.2.6) or for reverse 23 due to pis-
ton cup expansion and(or) sealing
ring that leads to compensation
port “A” closure (figures 3.2.4,
Blocking of the main cylinder piston
due to piston cup expansion
On tractor “BELARUS-
1822 .3/2022 .3” piston of valve
28 (figure 3.2.6) sticks due to seal-
ing ring expansion
Use of incorrect hydraulic-brake fluid or ingress of
mineral oil, petroleum, kerosene, diesel fuel into
hydraulic-brake fluid. Rinse the hydraulic drive sys-
tem with hydraulic-brake fluid. Replace damaged
cups and O-ring in the main and operating cylin-
ders. Replace hydraulic-brake fluid. Bleed the hy-
draulic system with hydraulic-brake fluid for for-
ward motion and on tractors “BELARUS-
1822 .3/2022 .3” for reverse
Hydraulic cylinder piston strokes
are carried out with difficulty
Detect and eliminate the reason for tight hydraulic
cylinder piston strokes. The effort for hydraulic
booster piston start and stroke shall be not more
than 120 N
Hydraulic booster, operating cylin-
der and lever 44 (figure 3.2.6) are
mounted out-of-alignment
Provide coaxiality of the hydraulic booster, operat-
ing cylinder and lever 44 by shifting before tighten-
ing bolts of bracket 38, plate 13
Clogging of compensating port in
the main cylinder for forward motion
and(or) on tractors “BELARUS-
1822 .3/2022 .3” for reverse
Unclog the compensating port of main cylinder and
bleed the hydraulic system of clutch control
Loss of pullback spring power 40
(figure 3.2.6)
Replace pullback spring 40
The pedal bears against the
dashboard skirt
By means of bolt 3 (figure 3.2.6) eliminate pedal
bearing against the dashboard skirt. Adjust the
clearance between the piston and the main cylinder
piston follower for forward motion according to
clause “Adjustment of clutch control”
Full clutch lever 44 (figure 3.2.6) stroke can not be achieved when the clutch
pedal is depressed
The clearance between the main
cylinder piston and the main cylin-
der piston follower for forward mo-
tion and(or) on tractors “BELARUS-
1822 .3/2022 .3” for reverse is not
properly adjusted
Adjust the clearance between the piston and the
main cylinder piston follower for forward motion
and for reverse according to clause “Ad-
justment of clutch control”