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If it is not possible to adjust necessary dimensions, it is necessary to remove the
lever 5 from the brake shaft 6, having preliminary loosened the bolt of the lever 5 hub, then
put it back, having turned by one spline in necessary direction (the turn by one spline
changes dimensions by 8 mm).
Adjust the length of right brake working cylinder in the same order.
1 – rod; 2 – lock-nut; 3 – fork; 4 – pin; 5 – lever; 6 – brake shaft; 7 – link; 8 – work-
ing cylinder; 9 – relief valve.
Figure 3.8.4 – Working cylinder length adjustment
4. Bleed the hydraulic system of brake control in the following order:
- fill the tanks 3, 4 (figure 3.8.5) of the main brake cylinders 1, 2 with brake fluid to
the “Max” marks on the tanks (to the level of 15 5 mm from the tank upper face). During
bleeding watch the fluid level, avoiding its drop below the “Min” mark.
- latch the brake pedals 5, 6 with the interlocking strap “A”.
- clean the relief valves of the brake working cylinders from dust and dirt, remove
the caps from them, fit a tube onto the head of the relief valve 9 (figure 3.8.4) of the left
working cylinder and put its free end into a transparent reservoir with a capacity of at least
0.5 l filled with brake fluid to half of its volume;
- press the interlocked brake pedals for 4…5 times and, while holding them down,
turn out the relief valve 9 of the left working cylinder by 1/2 …3/4 revolution and when after
a full pedal travel as a part of the fluid with air is bled from the system, turn the valve in and
release the brake pedals. Press the pedal quickly, release smoothly! Repeat this operation
several times until air is completely bled from the system. Remove the tube from the valve
and put the protective cap.
- bleed air from the hydraulic actuator of the right brake in the same order;
- top up fluid in both tanks 3, 4 (figure 3.8.5) to the “Max” mark;