2022.3-0000010 OM
251 Operation 22. Check / adjustment of clutch control
Check the condition of the expansion tank, main (forward motion, reverse) and op-
erating cylinders, hydraulic booster and crane. Hydraulic-brake fluid or oil drain is not al-
Clean the control drive and pedals of clutch control from dirt and foreign objects.
Check and adjustment of clutch control if necessary, shall be carried out in accor-
dance with clause “Adjustment of clutch control”.
Note – Adjustment of clutch control shall be carried out when the engine is off, by
force of two people. Operation 23. Drainage of sediment from the fuel tank
To drain sediment from the fuel tank, it is necessary to do the following:
- screw out tank adapter 1 with screw key S 17 (figure 6.4.11), located at the bottom
of fuel tank 2;
- drain sediment until clean fuel appears;
- after clean fuel without water and dirt appears, screw in tank adapter 1.
1 – adapter; 2 – fuel tank.
Figure 6.4.11 – Drainage of sediment from the fuel tank Operation 24. Drainage of sediment from the coarse fuel filter
To drain sediment from the coarse fuel filter, it is necessary to do the following:
- open drain valve 1 (figure 6.4.12) of coarse fuel filter 2;
- drain sediment until clean fuel appears, collect the sediment into a special container;
- after appearing of clean fuel without water and dirt, close drain valve 1.
1 – drain valve of coarse fuel filter; 2 – coarse fuel filter.
Figure 6.4.12 – Drainage of sediment from the coarse fuel filter Operation 25. Cleaning of filter cartridges of the cab ventilation and air
heating systems
The ventilation system filters are mounted at both sides of the tractor cab, as shown
in figure 6.4.13. The filter consists of two filter cartridges. .