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248 Operation 14. Check /rinse of RLL and FLL gripper tools
It is required to check the cavity where the hinge joint locking mechanism in gripper
tools 1 (figure 6.4.7) of the RLL is located (and FLL if it is mounted). In case of dirt accu-
mulation, clean internal cavities in gripper tools and rinse them with water.
1 – gripper tool; 2 – link.
Figure 6.4.7 – RLL (FLL) gripper tool Operation 15. Check of brakes functioning on the move, the engine,
steering, light/alarm devices operability. Check of electrical cables condition in the
engine compartment
The following tractor operating parameters shall be ensured:
- the engine shall operate properly in all modes;
- controls, light warning and acoustic alarm devices shall operate properly;
- simultaneous engagement of the right and left service brakes.
In case the above mentioned conditions are not observed, make the required ad-
justments or repair of the corresponding tractor systems.
Check the condition of the electric wiring and cable harnesses in the engine com-
partment for presence of abrasion, melting or external insulation destruction.
In case the above mentioned failures are detected, it is required to do the following:
- restore the damaged parts by means of adhesive polymerized vinyl chloride tape;
- eliminate the reason which caused insulation damage (as a rule, insulation dam-
age is caused by violation of electric wiring fixing). Operation 16. Drainage of condensate water from the pneumatic sys-
tem balloons
To drain condensate from balloon 2 (figure 6.4.8) of the pneumatic system, pull ring
1 of the drain valve installed on balloon in the horizontal direction to any side, and hold it
till the full drainage of condensate.
1 – ring; 2 – pneumatic system balloon.
Figure 6.4.8 – Drainage of condensate water from the pneumatic system balloon