Backup and restore operations construct the URI used in the HTTP message from the value of the
BRURI parameter and from the file name as follows:
• If BRURI ends with a / (a forward slash), the file name is appended.
• Otherwise, a forward slash and the file name is appended to the BRURI value.
BRURI can include a directory path and or a port number as specified in IETF RFCs
2396 and 3986.
For backup, the initiating process must supply the backup file and the file name, and the file is
sent to the server through an HTTP PUT message. A success or failure indication is returned to
the initiating process based on whether or not the file is successfully transferred to the server.
For restore, the initiating process must only supply the file name, and the file is requested from the
server through an HTTP GET message. The file is returned to the initiating process if it is
successfully obtained from the server, otherwise a failure indication is returned.
If you use TLS, the call server registration password for the phone must be included in an
Authorization request-header in each transmitted GET and PUT method. This method is intended
for use by the Avaya IP Telephone File Server Application so that the phone requesting the file
transaction can be authenticated. You can downloaded the Avaya IP Telephone File Server
Application from the
If no digital certificates are downloaded based on the system parameter TRUSTCERTS, the
phone establishes a TLS connection only to a backup and restore file server that has a Avaya-
signed certificate. The Avaya certificate is included by default with the Avaya IP Telephone File
Server Application, and includes the credentials. However, if at least one digital certificate has
been downloaded based on TRUSTCERTS, the credentials are included only if BRAUTH is set to
1. This method is a security feature to allow control over whether the credentials are sent to
servers with third-party certificates. If the server on which the Avaya IP Telephone File Server
Application is installed uses a non-Avaya certificate, set BRAUTH to 1 to enable authentication of
the deskphones. The default value of BRAUTH is 0.
When the call server IP address and the registration password of the phone are included as the
credentials in an Authorization request-header, the call server IP address is included first in
dotted-decimal format, followed by a colon, hex 3A, followed by the registration password of the
When the call server IP address and the registration password of the phone are included as the
credentials in an Authorization request-header, the call server IP address is included first in
dotted-decimal format, followed by a colon (hex 3A), followed by the registration password of the
phone. The server gets the extension number of the phone from the backup or restore file name.
The server must also protect the user's credentials once they are received through the secure TLS
The phone sends the registration credentials without regard to the BRAUTH setting if no
certificates are downloaded. Only server certificates signed by an Avaya Root CA certificate are
authenticated if no certificates are downloaded.
Server Administration
May 2018
Installing and Administering Avaya J169/J179 IP Phone H.323