AND phone
administration recently
CAUSE: The 96xxupgrade.txt file was edited
incorrectly, renamed, etc.
RESOLUTION: Download a clean copy of the
96xxupgrade.txt file from the Avaya support web site
rename the file. Customize or change
46xxsettings file as required.
The system ignores some settings in the settings
file while other settings are being used properly.
CAUSE: Improper administration of settings file.
RESOLUTION: Verify that customized settings are
correctly spelled and formatted.
The system ignores
some settings in the
settings file while
other settings are
being used properly,
AND the setting being
ignored is one or more of
the AGC settings.
CAUSE: The user changed the AGC settings, which
were placed in the backup or restore file of the user.
RESOLUTION: The user can reset the AGC values
back to the required settings, or the backup file can be
edited to delete the custom AGC settings.
Telephone power is interrupted while the phone is
saving the application file and the HTTP/HTTPS
application stops responding.
CAUSE: The HTTP or HTTPS server stops
responding if power is interrupted while a phone is
saving the application file.
RESOLUTION: Restart the phone
The user indicates an application or option is not
CAUSE: The 46xxsettings script file is not pointed to
accurately, or is not properly administered to allow the
RESOLUTION: Verify that the 46xxsettings script file
is properly specified for your system, verify that the file
server is UNIX or LINUX, and verify the extension.
Then verify that all the relevant parameters are
accurately specified in the 46xxsettings file.
User data disappeared when the user logged out
of one phone and logged in to another phone.
CAUSE: The second phone is unable to gain access
to the backup file.
RESOLUTION: Verify that the first phone creates a
backup file.
Then verify that the second phone is administered to
retrieve data from the same location as the first
Ensure that all the relevant parameters are accurately
specified as in the 46xxsettings file.
Finally, verify that the HTTP and HTTPS server on
which the backup file is located is operational and
accessible from the second phone.
The user reports that button module buttons are
not labeled properly.
CAUSE: Improper administration on the call server.
Table continues…
Operational errors and status messages
May 2018
Installing and Administering Avaya J169/J179 IP Phone H.323