Fig. 15
2. Place the disposable liner
‘OneWay’ in the reusable
external canister ‘Bag’. Press
the lid’s edges down firmly
to ensure proper sealing.
Fig. 16
3. Attach the prefitted con-
necting tube of the dispo-
sable liner ‘OneWay’ to the
bottom end of the T-piece
located at the external can-
ister ‘Bag’.
Fig. 17
4. Connect the vacuum con-
nection of the device with
the corresponding vacuum
connection of the external
canister ‘Bag’ (top end of
the T-piece). Use the sup-
plied connecting tube to do
Fig. 18
5. Connect the patient connec-
tion of the disposable liner
‘OneWay’ (fig. 13(B)) to the
suction tube. Ensure that
the tube is attached suffi-
ciently securely.