Chapter 4 CATALYS® System Procedure
Part Number: 0160-6411, Rev A, 02/2019
Page 189 of 314
Software Release: cOS 5.00
Do not center the pupil or limbus on the red ring. If the suction ring was not placed
perfectly concentric with the pupil or limbus, the red ring will also not be concentric. This
is OK. The red ring is a guide for the suction ring edge.
6. When the video image indicates that the suction ring is in the Capture Zone and you
have verified that the suction ring is centered on the red ring and the force indicator
minimized, press the
(on) button on the docking keypad (located on
the system front panel directly above the patient) to capture the suction ring.
Figure 4.33 Turn On Capture
Verify that there are no bubbles in the video image that may degrade the optical clarity.
If there are bubbles, release capture, lower the patient, and then proceed to recapture
the suction ring in the disposable lens. You may also add sterile buffered saline solution.
Place your finger on the
(on) button, but do not look at your finger.
Keep your eyes on the video image of the eye. Always verify on the video image that the
suction ring has snapped into place as the suction ring is captured to the disposable lens
and that any and all movements have ceased.
Figure 4.31 Edge of Suction Ring Not Aligned
with Outer Edge of Red Ring
Figure 4.32 Edge of Suction Ring Aligned with
Outer Edge of Red Ring
Capture ON