Chapter 3 Software Navigation
Page 102 of 314
Part Number: 0160-6411, Rev A, 02/2019
Software Release: cOS 5.00
Figure 3.60 Lens Fragmentation (Basic) Screen
From the Lens Fragmentation (Basic) Screen, you can select the following parameters:
• Template Name
• Segmentation—lens fragmentation pattern, with or without softening
─ Lens softening adds grid patterns to the spaces between the lens segments defined in
the pattern type selection.
Once you have chosen valid settings, the selected fragmentation pattern displays in the center
of the eye model, as shown in the preceding figure. Press the DETAILS button to proceed to the
Lens Fragmentation Details Screen, the BACK button to return to the Capsulotomy (Basic)
Screen, or the NEXT button to proceed to the (Basic) Screen for the next treatment in the
If you selected only the lens fragmentation treatment on the Plan a Treatment Screen, pressing
the BACK button on the Lens Fragmentation (Basic) Screen will take you back to the Plan a
Treatment Screen and pressing the NEXT button will take you directly to the Treatment Plan
Summary Screen.
If you press the HOME button on the Lens Fragmentation (Basic) Screen, the current treatment
parameters will be saved.