Agilent X-Series Signal Generators SCPI Command Reference
Real–Time Commands
Custom Subsystem–Option 431([:SOURce]:RADio:CUSTom)
The bit delay is a delay between when the signal generator receives the trigger and when it responds
to the trigger. The delay uses the clocks of the bit- clock to time the delay. After the signal generator
receives the trigger and the set number of delay bits (clocks) occurs, the signal generator transmits
the data pattern.
The delay occurs after you enable the state. See
“:TRIGger[:SOURce]:EXTernal:DELay:STATe” on
page 405
. You can set the number of bits either before or after enabling the state.
For more information on configuring an external trigger source and to select external as the trigger
source, see
“:TRIGger[:SOURce]” on page 404
Key Entry
Ext Delay Bits
N5172B/82B with Option 431
[:SOURce]:RADio:CUSTom:TRIGger[:SOURce]:EXTernal:DELay:STATe ON|OFF|1|0
This command enables or disables the operating state of the external trigger delay function.
For setting the delay time, see
“:TRIGger[:SOURce]:EXTernal:DELay” on page 404
, and for more
information on configuring an external source, see
“:TRIGger[:SOURce]” on page 404
Key Entry
Ext Delay Off On
N5172B/82B with Option 431
[:SOURce]:RADio:CUSTom:TRIGger[:SOURce]:EXTernal:SLOPe POSitive|NEGative
This command sets the polarity for an external trigger signal while using the continuous, single
triggering mode. To set the polarity for gating, see
“:TRIGger:TYPE:GATE:ACTive” on page 403
The POSitive and NEGative selections correspond to the high (positive) and low (negative) states of
the external trigger signal. For example, when you select POSitive, the waveform responds (plays)
during the high state of the trigger signal. When the signal generator receives multiple trigger
occurrences when only one is required, the signal generator uses the first trigger and ignores the
For more information on configuring an external trigger source and to select external as the trigger
source, see
“:TRIGger[:SOURce]” on page 404
Key Entry
Ext Polarity Neg Pos