Agilent X-Series Signal Generators SCPI Command Reference
Arb Commands
Dual ARB Subsystem–N5172B/82B ([:SOURce]:RADio:ARB)
Sets the signal generator as a slave in the setup. When selected, the following
trigger features are unavailable:
Prior to selecting SLAVe, ensure that the trigger type is something other than
shown above and that the trigger source is set according to the following list:
If not, the X- Series signal generator generates a settings conflict error and
changes the trigger type to TRIGger (continuous play once triggered) and the
trigger source to the above listed selections.
To set the slave position, see
“:MBSync:SREFerence” on page 286
For more information on the multiple BBG synchronization feature, see the
User’s Guide
The preceding example sets the signal generator as the master in the master/slave setup.
[:SOURce]:RADio:ARB:MBSync:NASLaves <value>
This command enters the number of first- generation MXG (N51xxA) signal generators that are
designated as slaves in a multiple BBG synchronization setup. This value is required for both the
master and slave signal generators and is used to calculate the internal compensation values to
minimize synchronization delay.
NOTE: All first- generation MXG slaves must be at the end of the synchronization chain.
The NASLaves value is a persistent setting that survives both preset and power cycling.
The preceding example enters three as the number of first- generation MXG slaves the current signal
generator master/slave setup.
0 to 15 (depends on the NSLaves setting)
Key Entry
Number of MXG-A Slaves
Trigger Type
Trigger Source
Free Run, see
page 303
Gated, see
page 302
All selections, see
page 305
EXT (external trigger signal, see
page 305
EPT1 (PAT TRIG connector, see
page 307
SLOPe POSitive (see
page 307
EXT DELay to OFF (see
page 307
Key Entry