Agilent X-Series Signal Generators SCPI Command Reference
Analog Modulation Commands
Low Frequency Output Subsystem ([:SOURce]:LFOutput)
This command selects the source for the LF output.
These choices enable you to output a signal where the frequency and shape of the
signal is set by internal function generator 1 or 2. For example, if the internal
source is currently assigned to an AM path configuration and AM is turned on,
the signal output at the LF OUTPUT connector will have the frequency and shape
of the amplitude modulating signal.
Selects the swept function generator as the modulation source to monitor. If AM
or FM or PM is modulating the swept function generator then the LF output BNC
will have the unmodulated signal if you choose to monitor the swept function
Selects the dual function generator as the modulation source to monitor. If AM or
FM or PM is modulating the dual function generator then the LF output BNC will
have the unmodulated signal if you choose to monitor the dual function generator.
Only FUNC1 is available without Option 303.
All Models
[:SOURce]:LFOutput:STATe ON|OFF|1|0
This command enables or disables the low frequency output.
Key Entry
LF Out Off On
All Models with Options UNT and 303
[:SOURce]:LFOutput:SWEep:FUNCtion:FREQuency:STARt <val><units>
This command sets the start frequency for the swept function generator.
400.0 Hz
100 mHz to 6.250 MHz
Key Entry
LF Out Start Freq
Key Entry
Func Gen 1
Dual Func Gen
Func Gen 2
Swept Func Gen