Agilent X-Series Signal Generators SCPI Command Reference
Arb Commands
Dual ARB Subsystem–N5172B/82B ([:SOURce]:RADio:ARB)
Total Noise
In this mode the total noise power and C/N are independent variables and the
total power and carrier power are dependent variables set by the total noise
power, C/N and the rest of the noise settings. The total power and carrier power
will change as any noise parameter is adjusted to keep the total noise power and
the C/N at their last specified values.
Key Entry
Total Carrier Total Noise
N5172B/82B with Option 403
The query returns the current noise power across the carrier bandwidth in dBm.
N5172B/82B with Option 403
[:SOURce]:RADio:ARB:NOISe:POWer:NOISe:TOTal <totalNoisePowerInDbm>
This command sets the current total noise power level if noise is on.
In the NOISe control mode, the total power will be adjusted to achieve the specified total noise
power and the total noise power level will be maintained regardless of changes to the other noise
parameters. A change to the total power will change the total noise power setting appropriately to
maintain the C/N ratio.
In the TOTal control mode, this will adjust the total power once for the specified total noise power
level, after which the total noise power could change if any noise parameters are adjusted or the
total power is adjusted.
In the CARRier control mode, this will adjust the carrier power once for the specified total noise
power level, after which the total noise power could change if any noise parameters are adjusted or
the carrier power is adjusted. See also
The range varies based on the bounds of the total power that results from the
noise settings.
The appropriate value given the current total power and the current Carrier to
Noise (C/N).
Key Entry
Total Noise Power
N5172B/82B with Option 403
This command enables or disables adding real- time additive white gaussian noise (AWGN) to the
carrier modulated by the waveform being played by the dual ARB waveform player.