Agilent X-Series Signal Generators SCPI Command Reference
Analog Modulation Commands
Amplitude Modulation Subsystem–Option UNT ([:SOURce])
All models with Option UNT
[:SOURce]:AM[1]|2[:DEPTh][:LINear]:TRACk ON|OFF|1|0
This command enables or disables AM depth value coupling between AM paths 1 and 2. When the
depth values are coupled, a change made to one path is applied to both. LINear must be the AM type
for this command to have any affect. To set the AM measurement type, use the
ON (1)
This choice will link the depth value of AM[1] with AM2; AM2 will assume the
AM[1] depth value. For example, if AM[1] depth is set to 15% and AM2 is set to
11%, enabling the depth tracking will cause the AM2 depth value to change to
15%. This applies regardless of the path (AM[1] or AM2) selected in this command
OFF (0)
This choice disables coupling and both paths will have independent depth values.
The preceding example enables AM depth coupling between AM path 1 and AM path 2.
Key Entry
AM Depth Couple Off On
All Models with Option UNT
[:SOURce]:AM[:DEPTh]:STEP[:INCRement] <value><unit>
This command sets the AM depth step increment.
Key Entry
Incr Set
The value set by this command is used with the UP and DOWN choices for the
AM depth setting. Refer to
command for more
The setting enabled by this command is not affected by signal generator power- on,
preset, or
All Models with Option UNT
[:SOURce]:AM[1]|2:EXTernal[1]|2:COUPling AC|DC
This command sets the coupling for the amplitude modulation source through the selected external
input connector.