Agilent X-Series Signal Generators SCPI Command Reference
Real–Time Commands
Custom Subsystem–Option 431([:SOURce]:RADio:CUSTom)
N5172B/82B with Option 431 and 432
This command turns the phase noise impairment on or off. For more information on the phase noise
impairment option, see the
User’s Guide
Key Entry
Phase Noise Off On
N5172B/82B with Option 431 and 432
[:SOURce]:RADio:CUSTom:PHASe:NOISe:TRACe? <startFreq>,<stopFreq>,<numSamples>
This query returns the theoretical phase noise amplitude mask applied with the current settings if
the phase noise feature is on. This mask does not take the natural phase noise of the instrument into
account, only the impairment from the phase noise feature. The output is over the start frequency to
the stop frequency for the number of samples specified. The samples are taken at logarithmic
frequency steps and the output is in dBc/Hz.
N5172B/82B with Option 431
[:SOURce]:RADio:CUSTom:POLarity[:ALL] NORMal|INVerted
This command sets the rotation direction of the phase modulation vector.
This choice selects normal phase polarity.
This choice inverts the internal Q signal.
Key Entry
Phase Polarity Normal Invert
N5172B/82B with Option 431
[:SOURce]:RADio:CUSTom:RETRigger ON|OFF|1|0|IMMediate
This command enables or disables the ARB retriggering mode. The retrigger mode controls how the
retriggering function performs while a waveform is playing.
ON (1)
This choice (Buffered Trigger) specifies that if a trigger occurs while a waveform
1 Hz to 100 MHz
1 Hz to 100 MHz
1 to 8192