Agilent X-Series Signal Generators SCPI Command Reference
Analog Modulation Commands
Pulse Modulation Subsystem–Option UNU and UNW and Option 320 ([:SOURce])
If the entered value for Trig Out BNC Video Polarity is set to Invert, the pulse video signal at the
Trig Out BNC is inverted.
The preceding example inverts the video signal polarity at the Trig Out BNC.
Key Entry
Trig Out BNC Video Polarity Normal Invert
All with Option UNW
[:SOURce]:PULM:SOURce INTernal|EXTernal
This command sets the source of the pulse modulation.
The INTernal selection accesses one of the six internally generated modulation inputs while EXTernal
selects an external pulse (rear panel connector) input. To select an internally generated modulation
input, refer to
Key Entry
Pulse Source
All with Option UNW
The PTRain (Pulse Train) parameter requires Option 320.
[:SOURce]:PULM:SOURce:INTernal SQUare|FRUN|TRIGgered|ADOublet|DOUBlet|GATEd|PTRain
This command selects one of the seven internally generated modulation inputs. There is one external
source: Ext Pulse selected by
This command sets Square as the pulse modulation source. This is an internal
free- run pulse with a 50% duty cycle. The period is determined by the rate.
This command sets Free Run as the pulse modulation source. You can define the
period, width, and delay.
This command sets Triggered as the pulse modulation source. This selection
produces an RF pulse with a user- defined width and delay at the RF OUTPUT
connector when a valid trigger signal occurs at the PULSE connector.
This command sets Adjustable Doublet as the pulse modulation source. This
selection produces two pulses at the RF OUTPUT connector for each trigger event
at the PULSE connector. The first pulse has a user- defined width and delay (from
the rising edge of the Pulse Sync Out signal). The second pulse has a user- defined
width and delay (from the rising edge of the first pulse).