Agilent X-Series Signal Generators SCPI Command Reference
Arb Commands
Dual ARB Subsystem–N5172B/82B ([:SOURce]:RADio:ARB)
CONTinuous, see
“:TRIGger:TYPE:CONTinuous[:TYPE]” on page 303
SINGle, see
“:RETRigger” on page 298
SADVance, see
“:TRIGger:TYPE:SADVance[:TYPE]” on page 304
GATE, selecting the mode also sets the response
Selecting the trigger source (see
“:TRIGger[:SOURce]” on page 305
), which determines how the
X- Series signal generator receives its trigger signal, internally or externally. The GATE choice
requires an external trigger.
Setting the trigger polarity when using an external source:
CONTinuous, SINGle, and SADVance see
“:TRIGger[:SOURce]:EXTernal:SLOPe” on page 307
GATE, see
“:TRIGger:TYPE:GATE” on page 304
To check the trigger status, see
“:REGister[:STATus]” on page 297
. For more information on
triggering, see the
User’s Guide
The following list describes the trigger type command choices:
Upon triggering, the waveform repeats continuously.
Upon triggering, the waveform segment or sequence plays once.
The trigger controls the segment advance within a waveform sequence. To use this
choice, a waveform sequence must be the active waveform. Ensure that all
segments in the sequence reside in volatile memory.
An external trigger signal repeatedly starts and stops the waveform’s playback
(transmission). The time duration for playback depends on the duty period of the
trigger signal and the gate polarity selection (see
page 304
). The waveform plays during the inactive state and stops during the
active polarity selection state. The active state can be set high or low. The gate
mode works only with an external trigger source.
With the multiple baseband generator synchronization feature active, GATE is
unavailable (see
page 284
for more information).
This command selects the waveform’s response to a trigger signal while using the continuous trigger
For more information on triggering and to select the continuous trigger mode, see
“:TRIGger:TYPE” on
page 302
The following list describes the waveform’s response to each of the command choices:
Turning the ARB format on immediately triggers the waveform. The waveform
repeats until you turn the format off, select another trigger, or choose another
waveform file.
Key Entry
Segment Advance