Agilent X-Series Signal Generators SCPI Command Reference
System Commands
Memory Subsystem (:MEMory)
The signal generator will return the two memory usage parameters and as many file listings as there
are files in the memory subsystem. Each file listing parameter will be in the following form:
"<file name,file type,file size>"
Example Output
Key Entry
Refer to the
Table 1- 4 on page 15
for a listing of the file types and the table on
page 15
for information on the "<file name>" syntax.
All Models
:MEMory:COPY[:NAME] "<file name>","<file name>"
This command makes a duplicate of the requested file.
Key Entry
Copy File
Refer to
File Name Variables
for information on the file name syntax.
When copying a waveform file from volatile to non–volatile memory, the marker
file and file header, associated with the waveform file, will automatically be copied
at the same time.
All Models
:MEMory:DATA "<file_name>",<data_block>
:MEMory:DATA? "<file_name>"
This command loads data into signal generator memory using the <data_block> parameter and saves
the data to a file designated by the "<file_name>" variable. The query returns the file contents of the
file as a datablock.
A waveform file must be located in volatile waveform memory (WFM1) before it can be played by the
signal generator’s dual ARB player.
For downloads directly into volatile waveform memory (WFM1) use the path "WFM1:<file_name>". For
downloads to non–volatile waveform memory, use the path "NVWFM:<file_name>".
This variable names the destination file, including the directory path.
This parameter represents the data and file length parameters. The data in the file
is represented by the <data_block> variable.
Refer to the
Programming Guide
for more information on programming the status registers.