PassFinder AP2520 VoIP Router/Gateway Operation Manual
Version 1.10 / Mar. 2002
AddPac Technology Co., Ltd.
One-Stage Dialing versus Two-Stage Dialing
The VoIP network configuration inter-works with the normal telephone network
or PABX of the office in most of cases so multi-staged dialing is made. To
decrease dialing stages, users shall add the telephone number of the
termination side and the telephone number of the next stage to the called
party number when setting a call in the termination side.
Consider that a subscriber connected to the voice port of the Router A
attempts to make a call to the subscriber who is using PABX line #100 that is
connected to the other VoIP router B.
Figure 5.3 Two-Stage Dialing
Consider that the VoIP peer setup of the Router A is as follows:
dial-peer voice 555 VoIP
destination-pattern 310555….
In the above, as soon as the subscriber of Router A enters 3105551000, the
outbound VoIP peer 555 will be decided and a call will be connected to
Router B.
Consider that the POTS peer setup of Router B is as follows:
dial-peer voice 1000 pots
destination-pattern 3105551000
Voice Port
IP Cloud
(408) 555-4000
Gateway A
POTS Call leg
VoIP Call leg
(310) 555-1000
Voice Port
Gateway B