PassFinder AP2520 VoIP Router/Gateway Operation Manual
Version 1.10 / Mar. 2002
AddPac Technology Co., Ltd.
[Example] Transparent Bridging Configuration and Usage
router# config
router(config)# interface Ethernet 0.0
Creates Ethernet
interface 0.0 and starts configuration.
router(config-ether0.0)# bridge
Applies bridge to Ethernet
interface 0.0.
router(config-ether0.0)# bridge
priority 2
Sets the
spanning tree priority of the interface as 2.
router(config-ether0.0)# interface serial 0
Enters into
the configuration mode of the interface serial 0.
router(config-serial0)# encapsulation frame-relay
Encapsulates with the frame-relay.
router(config-serial0)# frame-relay map bridge 100
Enables the bridge in the frame-relay interface. This command
also encapsulates the bridge packet.
router(config-serial0)# exit
Goes back to the global
configuration mode.
router(config)# bridge forward-time 150
Sets the bridge
forward delay interval as 150 seconds.
router(config)# bridge hello-time 5
Sets the bridge hello
BPDU interval as five seconds.
router(config)# bridge max-age 150
Sets the standby time
to wait until receiving BPDU from the root bridge as 150 seconds.
router(config)# exit
Exists from the configuration mode.
router # show running-config
Shows configuration contents.
interface ether0.0
no ip address
Operation is UP
interface serial0
no ip address
Encapsulation FRAME-RELAY