the system software and the function of the Delta-88s.
You can proceed to verify the Delta-88's operation by checking source selection to each room
directly on the Delta-88.
Step Q - Connection of the MT-3000 Multi-Tuner
Once one room is functioning correctly and the mainframe (all other zones) are working from
the first keypad, you can begin to add other ADA Bus™ components one at a time. The MT-
3000 should be connected to the BI-3000 with the special ADA Bus Cable (1/4" Stereo Phone
Jack). It is important that the single wire trailing off of the stereo phone jack be plugged into
one of the three MT-3000's Antenna Preamp connections (pin 4). This wire provides voltage
to the BI-3000. Make certain that the special ADA Bus™ Cable connects to the BI-3000's "Unit"
Now connect the BI-3000's "Control Bus" output to the WH-3000's "J3" - "J10" connectors (any
one). The tuner should already have its line level connected to the Delta-88, its AC connected
to the ACC-3000 (or ACC-48), and have its RF inputs connected to an antenna or cable feed.
Testing the MT-3000 Multi-Tuner
Proceed to test the MT-3000 on the first keypad by selecting the first tuner module source
button (i.e. FM 1 button). The keypad should immediately read the source name (i.e. "FM 1")
and within a moment display the frequency from the MT-3000 (i.e. "101.90 PR 1"). Repeated
pressing of the FM 1 button will advance the MT-3000 through presets. Please note, the presets
may not match stations in your area unless you have already programmed the MT-3000. Once
you have verified a particular tuner module (FM 1) for both feedback and control, press the
next tuner source and repeat the testing of that module, then test the third tuner. When all three
tuners appear operational, proceed to program the MT-3000 for your client (See MT-3000
Installation Manual).
MT-3000 Trouble Shooting - Delta-88 Source Programming
While some systems are preprogrammed during testing, they still may require additional in-
the-field programming apart from the loading of MT-3000 presets and preset labels. In order
for the tuner to display its information on the MC-3000/MC-3800 or be controlled from any
keypad, both the tuner and the Delta-88 require specific programming. Therefore, if you are
not getting the tuner to display any information or the tuner is not capable of operation from
the keypad, you will need to proceed with this section.
The Delta System can accept as many as five multi-tuners and therefore has several addresses.
Since each tuner has an address and each tuner module has an address, a total of fifteen
addresses are available. In order for the tuner to operate on the system, both the Delta-88's
tuner addresses and MT-3000's address must match. When using two Delta-88's this program-
ming is done on the primary Delta-88. When using more than two Delta-88's this programming
will need to be done for the first primary Delta-88 as well as the third Delta-88. When using
more than four Delta-88's, this programming will need to be done on the first, third, and fifth
Delta System Installation (cont.)