Video Option 3- Modulating Video Sources yet maintaining keypad control of the sources.
This option is a variation of Video Option 2 and is ideal when modulating video sources
throughout the house. If for example, the home theater and master bedroom have discrete
composite video and stereo audio run to them using the first two outputs of the VS-3, the rest
of the house could access the modulated video sources on open TV channels. The user could
then select that video source on the keypad and control it using the third VS-3 output. Since
each TV can select its own channel (video source), the VIDEO button for the rest of the house
could be used simply to achieve keypad transport control of the video sources. All other rooms
could still independently view their own video source. If these rooms have local audio
overrides (see Audio Options 1-4), then their selected channel's (video source's) audio signal
would also play through the room's speakers. Please note, it is not suggested that the VS-3's
third output be routed back into the Delta since the third output is used primarily to achieve
keypad control of the video sources and may be changed frequently in numerous rooms. The
following example may explain how the system would operate in the rest of the house:
A person in room 1 selects VCR1 on channel 29. They then repeatedly press the room keypad's
VIDEO button until VCR1 is displayed. At this point they can control the transport functions
of VCR1. A person in another room selects VCR2 on channel 31 and then goes to that room's
keypad and repeatedly presses the VIDEO button until the keypad's display reads VCR2 At
this point they can control VCR2. If both these rooms are programmed to control the same VS-
3 output (i.e. Output 3), then the first person viewing VCR1 will need to re-select it on their
keypad before controlling VCR1. If they inadvertently press STOP before checking what
source is selected on the keypad, they will actually stop VCR2.
Video Option 4 - More than three rooms require simultaneous selection of the same central
video sources.
As to be discussed in upcoming sections, the Delta System can be flexibly configured into small
networks when common control of specific devices is required. In many cases, while a home
may have no more than eight central video sources, it may be necessary to have independent
AV selection in more than three rooms. In this case, more than one VS-3 will be needed, one
VS-3 for every three zones. Depending on the number of video outputs on your video sources
and the number of VS-3's used, you may need to add ISO-Vs to assist in splitting the video
sources' composite video signals to multiple VS-3s. You can also use a video distribution
amplifier. For line-level audio signals, a line-level audio distribution amplifier may also be
required. Since the VS-3's address is directly related to one PCT-8 address, it will be necessary
to group every three rooms getting a VS-3 output onto their own mini-bus. These mini-busses
would then access the same PCT-8 (and ACC-3000 - check with ADA) used for control of the
video sources. Again, the wiring is repetitive such that every three zones are identical to each
other. Furthermore, all VS-3 addresses need to be set to address "00" and the single PCT-8
address needs to be set to "03". Since all VS-3 addresses are same, the mini-busses will be
separated from each other using BI-3000 Bus Isolators. The keypads for every three rooms wire
to their specific WH-3000 Wire Harness. Also connected directly to this WH-3000 is the VS-3
for these rooms. These connections to the WH-3000s form the mini-bus and the mini-busses
are then connected to the system bus with a BI-3000 isolating each mini-bus from the system
bus. Please note, that the mini-bus connects to the BI-3000's "Unit" input and the BI-3000's "Bus"
input connects to the main system bus.
VS-3 As Scrolling Input Selector (cont.)