Delta System Installation (cont.)
note that the Delta-88 will automatically time out of the program (label mode) in five
seconds when no buttons are pressed. If this occurs, you will need to reenter this mode
by pressing and holding the LABEL button.
Use the TREBLE UP button to scroll through the Delta-88's built-in room library listing.
If you pass a desired label, use the TREBLE DN button to go back to it.
If the room name is perfect as it appears, continue labeling the additional seven rooms
starting with step 4. If you wish to alter the current room label, press the VOL UP button
to position the cursor (flashing dot) under the first character you wish to change. If you
passed the first character, pressing the VOL DN button will move the cursor backward.
Use the BASS UP button to advance through the characters until the desired letter or
character appears. If you pass the character, you can use the BASS DN button to go back
to it.
Use the VOL UP button to advance to the next character and repeat step seven.
When the room label is perfect, repeat the labeling for all seven additional rooms
following step 4.
Step N - Connection of the Delta-88s to the WH-3000
The primary Delta-88 should connect to the first WH-3000 on the WH-3000's J1 connector. The
second Delta-88 can be connected to any port, J3-J10 on the WH-3000. If more than two Delta-
88's are used in any one system, they will need to set up on their own WH-3000 networks as
described in "ADA Bus Wiring - Networks".
Step O - Checking the First Keypad and Zone
Turn off the Main Power Switch on the ACC-3000 (or primary Delta-88 if no ACC-3000 is used
or if the ACC-3000 is in a remote room). Plug the first room's keypad onto any connector "J3"
- "J10" on the same wire harness as the first Delta-88. Turn on the Main Power Switch.
1 - Testing a Preprogrammed System & Keypad
You may need to program the keypad with the central system's information. In many cases,
the keypads might be preprogrammed at ADA during testing. If this is the case and no
alterations were made to the Delta-88's programming during your installation, the keypad
should respond once woken-up. If this is the case follow these steps.
Go to the MC-3000 Keypad. It should read REL or RELEASE and a number (the keypads
software version).
Press any source button and the keypad should read I'M AWAKE followed by the
words ALL OFF.
Press several source buttons, one at a time, allowing the keypad to update the source